Could it really be so simple?

You can have a good laugh at the human condition if you really think about it. We are the only creatures on the planet that ask what the point of all this is.

It’s generally not enough for us to have shelter, food, and reproduce. That satisfies all the other organisms on Earth ?, but not us!

So, like many people, I have spent countless hours pondering, “what is the purpose of my life?”

Is there even such a thing as someone’s purpose?

(As if there could be an answer that would be right or wrong.)

Well, one day I was sitting quietly having a little chat with the Universe.

Actually I was trying hard to not talk and to just listen.

Why am I here? What is My Purpose?

The questions seems so complex, so deep, so meaningful.

I asked what my purpose was, and with real certainty I heard,

“Run, Play, and Have Fun.”

To be clear, I didn’t hear it with my ears the way you would hear another person in the room.

I heard it in my heart. That is the best way I can describe it.

When I hear that small voice, wisdom, Divine Intelligence, God (pick your favorite) I “hear” it as a feeling in my chest.

I imagine it is how people sense telepathic communication, but I’ve never experienced that with another person. Just God.

Could it be that easy?

Could the purpose of life be to run, play, and have fun?

It seems too simple. Life can seem so serious.

We get attached to things. We know that “we” are right and “they” are wrong. We start wars. We try to make things fit the picture that we think is best.

We go go go and do do do.

go go go

Honestly, I don’t know the answer.

It seems plausible to me that an all loving creator meant for us to run, play and have fun as our purpose.

Could God experience fun through us?

To have the ability to ponder this question seems a luxury a lot of people don’t have.

Run, play, and have fun.

Maybe someday, a life focused solely on running, playing, and having fun will be possible, but society is pretty far from that today.

But I digress.

I suppose for now we all have to do what we have to do to put shelter over our heads and food in our tummies.

It’s not up to me to tell you what your life’s purpose is, but I’ll tell you a few things it’s not.

I doubt your life’s purpose is to be unhappy. Or to ignore the people you love. Or to worry non-stop about material things. Or to accumulate money at the cost of everything else.

At the same time, I doubt the purpose of my life is literally to do nothing but run, play, and have fun. That sounds pretty vapid and selfish.

I’ll blend the run, play, and have fun philosophy into the passion I have for helping people live rich and fulfilling lives.

Having balance and a sense of peace is at the core of my coaching programs.

So continue doing your thing. At the same time, find ways to put more fun into your days.

Do something silly, be willing to laugh at yourself.

Take up sports and hobbies just for the fun of it, be a little less serious.

Watch a movie or read a book just because it makes you laugh.

Create fun experiences for other people.

Be friends with you inner child.

Happiness Hack — Make Friends with your Inner Child
From the Happiness

Do the work you need to do, but it sure wouldn’t hurt for us all to all run, play, and have fun just a bit more.

As always, I wish you all the best!

I made a 5-day Guide to Mastering Happiness, and it’s yours for free! Click here to get the guide for free!

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Originally published at