With shows like “The Healer” on TLC, energy therapy is becoming more popular, and for good reason: it works. I was a hands-on healer for just under two years. I spent a great deal of time (and money) on training. I traveled great distances in order to train with the best teachers and obtain the right certifications. Now I see it all for what it was: a means to heal myself. Through the process, I did heal. I also prepared myself for the next phase of my work. I am a healer. I’m just not meant to use my hands, but rather, my voice. So it was all worth it. Along the way, I learned some things about why some people heal, while others don’t. I also learned what to look for in a healer.

As strange as it seems, sometimes people are not ready to release an illness or issue, especially if it has come to define them. In this case, the illness will continue because the person doesn’t know who they are without their illness/issue. Their ego has become so enmeshed with it that taking it away would be like killing off a piece of their identity. Understandably, this is terrifying. Through energy therapy, the goal then would be to remove the blocks necessary to allow the client to reintegrate their sense of self, thus facilitating their healing. Another reason people shy away from healing is because it is hard work and can be daunting. We have to face our pain, and who wants to do that? However, the end result, to be free of that pain, to feel lighter, happier, and more whole, is so worth it.

Many therapists have very difficult experiences on their way to becoming a healer. It is required for them to develop the compassion, knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to serve as a healing channel. However, it is critical that the therapist has done a great deal of work to overcome their own issues before they begin to see clients. This is because while the healing energy that the therapist channels is pure, if they are still carrying a great deal of unresolved energy from their own issues, that will reduce the energy that comes through to their clients. No one is perfect, and everyone has issues to work through. However, a healer should be as clear a channel as possible.

Here are some signs that the therapist may not have done enough self-work:

1. A therapist shares a great deal of personal information about their own issues.

2. They make disparaging remarks about other therapists.

3. They complain about not having enough clients.

4. They are condescending, intimidating, or egotistical. While a therapist should be willing to give “tough love” when we need it, they should NEVER make us feel stupid, insecure, fearful, or that we have to depend on them. The whole point of energy therapy is so that we can develop the tools necessary to heal ourselves.

They charge too little or too much. The “going rate” for a healing session in most areas is usually about the price of a massage. A rate that is much lower reflects self-worth issues in the healer. A rate that is much higher may reflect a healer for whom the work is more about the money than being of service.

The best way to choose a healer is by reading their reviews. Look for those that have at least a dozen favorable reviews and a Google business listing and/or social media page(s). This ensures that they haven’t filtered out any negative reviews.

Healers are here to serve humanity. To relieve suffering. To take away the pain. To lighten the load. To facilitate a return to wellness and joy. Because this is the state we are meant to live in. Of course, the energy is not the healers’, but still, they volunteer to be the channel. To be the one to say “Come, rest here. Lay your pain on me. Give me your grief, your suffering. I will bear it, and I will return it to grace.” That is an awesome sacrifice. These brave beings are healing the world, one person at a time.