Harshavardhana Gourineni, a young 32-year-old prominent businessman and the MD & CEO of Mangal Industries, is one such personality who has hit the ground running ever since the beginning of his career. Harshavardhana is someone who opens doors to various opportunities knocking on his doors.

Being a serial entrepreneur doesn’t limit Harshavardhana’s area of interest. He takes an equal interest in fitness and sports. He is of the belief that a healthy body makes a healthy mind. He is also assessing business opportunities in the fitness industry to channel his passion into a larger endeavour. Very soon, the entrepreneur is also planning to expand his business to support local communities and generate employment.

Harshavardhana says,  to stay ahead of the competition, it’s vital that we constantly reinvent our businesses and ourselves, and the only way to accomplish this is by having an entrepreneurial mindset. Developing an entrepreneurial mindset is all about altering your perspective: No matter how long you’ve been in business, you’re starting it anew today. The most effective entrepreneurs don’t flit around. They’re not overlooking their calling because they’ve gotten tangled up in a side project. They’re not about making quick bucks or random opportunism. They’re committed and tunnel-visioned and they’re in it for the long haul.

It’s about the process of diagnosing issues and symptoms to find root problems, framing options that may serve as possible solutions, clarifying data that you have and seeking what you need, and developing viable options and alternatives. Entrepreneurs come in all shapes, sizes, ages and can be from anywhere. They, as far as I know, do not wear a uniform or carry membership cards for an entrepreneurship club. If you passed one on the street or sat next to one in a restaurant, you’d likely not even know.

Here are some ways entrepreneurs think and how to think like an entrepreneur yourself

Shape Your Life Experience

Entrepreneurial thinking is about where we place the responsibility for our experiences. Although it’s not realistic to think that we have complete control of all our experiences, it’s martyrdom to think that we have none. An entrepreneur is someone who is deeply engaged in his or her experience of life and willing to do the daily work of transforming it.

Very successful entrepreneurs take the time to analyze their lives and to look closely at their vision and their purpose in life. They put their lives on paper.


There are many skills you will need to learn to accomplish everything you want in life. But how do you act confidently when you don’t know what you are doing?

You learn to act with confidence, the second characteristic of the entrepreneurial mindset. And one the of the most important qualities of an entrepreneur.

It is essential that you get used to the uncomfortable feeling of knowing that you don’t know what you’re doing.

Be determined

Being determined isn’t just having the strength, fortitude, and persistence to move forward against the odds, but it’s also being strategically prepared for the battle. When you are determined, you are positioned to be firm in your decisions and you are ready to do the hard work required to win in whatever you do.

Practice persistence

Entrepreneurs don’t expect to hear a “yes” on their first ask. They know the world owes them nothing and they assume indifference from others. Instead, they plan their approach and follow up. They focus on standing out and making an impression and won’t give up without succeeding. They don’t give excuses or second guess, they make working with them a no brainer. Put the work in and flip the balance. Be so good they can’t ignore you and seek out those life changing partnerships until they seek you out in return.