Respect and forgiving are something every child should learn. It is already known that a child should be disciplined from an early age by teaching them values and manners that are well-fitting in society. Two of these cardinal values are, without any doubt, respect and forgiveness. Respect is a deep admiration for someone or something which is evoked by specific activities or achievements. Respect towards others is shown by honoring them or showing care and concern towards their needs and feelings. To make children an active part of a society, it is of great importance to inculcate a respectful feeling towards others. Respect has always been part of Indian culture, with children being taught to greet with ‘Namaste’ or encouraged to touch elder’s feet as a sign of courteous respect.  However, adults can use some practical habits to teach children about respect by doing the following

Some Tips to Know

Encouraging cooperation and not a competition– This ability will make them more conscious about others’ feelings and give them experience with teamwork. Cooperation brings a feeling of sharing, which will help a child in the long term.

Encouraging social bonding– It is quite essential to detach a child from the virtual world of television and gaming and make them physically interact with family members so that they develop a sense of belonging.

Be a role model– It has been found that children who copy their parents or elders are more accepting of different cultures and traditions. Being a good role model will enable them to respect people coming from different backgrounds.

Appreciation for good work– Praising kids for good work is essential because it helps them differentiate between right and wrong. 

Learning Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance towards a person who has harmed you. Forgiving someone does not mean that the seriousness of the offense has been forgotten, but it means to let go of the negative feeling residing due to bitter resentment. It is of great importance to teach children to be forgiving as it brings peace of mind. Although the difficult part of forgiving can be to educate children about recognizing pain without letting the pain define them. Hence some practical ways to teach forgiveness can be by-

Making a list of rules– A list of rules such as listening, saying then you or please; telling the truth, etc. being followed around the house can provide children with guidance.

Apologising– It is okay to admit that elders can make mistakes too. Owning up to the mistakes in front of a child creates an example for them to follow.

Be patient- This will help them to practice patience in their own lives.

Showing grace instead of anger– If a child repeats a mistake, it is assumed that showing anger will correct them. But instead of that, an elder or a guardian shows grace. It allows them to be more receptive to other people’s considerations.


Therefore it can be concluded that all children need in their lives is some guidance. Many times children do want to do the right thing but do not know what the right thing to do is. Practising these small habits will make them more appreciative and responsible in life.