
Being human, our minds can go to dark places. It can be challenging to feel grateful for what you have when negative thoughts intrude on you constantly. And the longer those thoughts prevail, the likelier they become the norm.

Negativity can lead to heightened anxiety, depression, poor relationships with others, and much more. It’s normal to feed sadness, anger, and other unpleasant emotions from time to time. But if they make up the majority of your thoughts, then it’s time to make a significant change.

Reframing negative thought patterns isn’t easy and takes hard work. We often feel that our emotions are true, which causes us to believe the worst and dwell on it. It’s important to learn how to control your negative thoughts before they turn into actions and words you regret.

To build successful relationships and be content with what you have, you need to reframe your negative thoughts. Here are a few simple tips to help you get started.

Practice Awareness

The first step to changing any kind of behavior is to be aware of it. If you don’t know a problem exists, you can’t change it. By practicing awareness, you give yourself permission to shift your focus and see the world differently. It’s easier to understand yourself, your thoughts, and your emotions when you’re fully present for every moment.

So how do you practice awareness? The best way is through mindful meditation. Meditation forces you to be intentional about reframing your mindset and looking at things differently. When your mind starts to wander off track, meditation brings it back to center. Yoga classes are a great way to make mindfulness a consistent habit.

To practice mindfulness, sit in a comfortable position with no distractions. It’s important to be in a relaxing environment that allows your mind to wander. Close your eyes and try to stay in the present moment. You’ll notice your mind start to wander and think about random things, like books you want to read or what you ate for lunch.

This is natural. In our day to day lives, we aren’t used to slowing down and appreciating what’s in front of us. Let your thoughts go wherever they want, no matter how negative. As soon as they start, bring your attention back to center. You’ll need to do this consistently over time for it to stick.

Treat Yourself Like a Friend

When you’re used to constant negative thoughts, it becomes more and more difficult to be gentle with yourself. You forget that you’re human like everyone else who deserves to feel fulfillment and be happy.

As you continue your journey to reframe your mindset, it’s crucial to practice self-compassion. Recognize that you’re a human being who isn’t perfect and doesn’t have to be. As long as you strive to be the best version of yourself, you’re on the right path.

If it’s difficult to practice self-compassion, think of yourself as a friend. You wouldn’t treat a friend without empathy, care, or understanding, so why would you treat yourself that way? It’s cruel to hold yourself to an impossible standard you don’t even hold others to. Stay in touch with yourself by treating yourself with the same kindness you would a friend.

Strive for Realism Instead of Positivity

While it’s important to stay optimistic and view things in a positive light, it’s just as crucial to be realistic. When you choose positivity all the time, you’re refusing to acknowledge the reality of the situation. Nothing is perfect, so striving for a perfect mindset isn’t plausible nor healthy.

Instead of aiming towards positivity, seek to understand the situation for what it is. Being real with yourself is the most straightforward path towards reframing your thought patterns. It trains you to handle what life throws at you and view it as an opportunity instead of a hindrance.

You can practice seeing things realistically by finding meaning in your experiences. Rather than being determined to see the situation in a bright light, embrace it fully by educating yourself and learning from it. Treating it like a lesson will help you overcome any situation and avoid succumbing to negativity.

Your Turn

If you struggle with regular negative thoughts, you’re not alone. Many people wish to change their thought patterns to feel more fulfilled and happy in their lives. Taking steps to feel better isn’t easy, but it sure is worth it. These tips are sure to point you in the right direction so you can take control of your mind. How will you manage your negativity going forward?