by Laura Cadieu

Fear can be defined as fantasized experiences appearing real.  Sometimes our fantasies are childlike, innocent and filled with hope.  At other times they can be quite dark with a foreshadowing of doom and gloom. 

One fantasy is helpful, and one is hurtful.

When you feel fear you can lost sight of what is real.

Stressful situations occur and it can easy become negative and doubt your own self worth.  If we let fear take over and listen to our limiting voices, like, “Who do you think you are,” “You’re not good enough,” or “I’m not worthy of ….” , then the true purpose of your life will evade you. 

Don’t let fear and all those negative thoughts get in the way.

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you,” as author James Allen said in “A Man Thinketh.”

Fear is largely an emotion based on a deeper need for help, respect or maybe even love. When we feel fearful it can make you feel like a like a monstrous energy is trying to hold you back. When we are stressed, depressed or anxious it easy to think negatively.

Just by changing our thoughts we can become more resilient.  How powerful is that?

Now this takes time to perfect but life gives us constant opportunities.

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you,” as author James Allen said in “A Man Thinketh.”

If you’ll allow your mind to gradually transfer from negative thoughts to positive thoughts, each day you can literally reprogram your mind.  It is easy to convince yourself of negativity when you are depressed, anxious or stressed.  I still go there, and when I do it is not fun at all.  I get it because I have been there so many times and I am sure I will go there again.  But the trick is to reflect and see the damage it has done to you.  Desire to handle it a bit better the next time when the lesson shows up again, and it will.  So, change it.  How will you want to say your life went in the end?  Positive and productive, right? I want more for you and I hope you want more for you, too!  This is exciting because it means you have the power to change for the better today.

It is said your negative thoughts can affect your body negatively and thus weaken you.  You can compare two glasses of water and see over time it changes color whether spoken to it positively or negatively actually changed its composition. 

We are mostly made up of water as human beings.  Positive words strengthen our immune system.  And, positive thoughts can allow our bodies to secrete endorphins in the brain which will not only allow us to experience less pain but increase our pleasure.  Just by changing our thoughts we can become more resilient.  How powerful is that?  Now this takes time to perfect, and don’t I know it!  However, the exciting part is each day gives us constant opportunities to change our thinking.

We can benefit by more of a positive attitude today which opens us up to growth and getting new chances.  Isn’t it great to hear we get new chances day after day?  Little by little move from a place of fear to embracing life. Remember to ask yourself questions framed with positive imaging.  At times I still feel like I am sliding back to negative land, but today is a new day and I have a choice if I will allow yesterday’s pain and hurt to flow into today’s reality.

Every dawn gives us a new chance.  For many years I had a secret place.  Well, not really a secret, but in my mind, it was my little sanctuary.  A park in Laguna Beach, California. It is peaceful and a beautiful point overlooking the majestic Pacific Ocean.  One day I realized if I looked to my right, it was rough with waves crashing on the rocks, deserted and unwelcoming, negative.   But when I looked to my left it was smoother, friendlier, and people were playing in the calm waves, a positive.  It hit me that it was a matter of perspective, and I could change my perspective by shifting my vision to the calm side.  So, our thoughts can be positive or negative.  Positive thoughts then positive mind, and negative thoughts then negative mind. 

This is exciting because it means you have the power to change for the better. If you’ll allow your mind to gradually transfer from negative thoughts to positive thoughts, you can literally reprogram your mind over time to achieve your goals. No one is stopping you, not even yourself.

Don’t allow yesterday’s pain and hurt to flow into today’s reality.   Little by little move away from a place of fear and embrace life with confidence.  Each dawn gives you a new chance.

How will you want to say your life went in the end?  Positive and productive, right? I want more for you and I hope you want more for you, too! 

Come to the edge, He said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge, He said. They came. He pushed them, and they flew….” Guillaume Apollinaire
