employees mental health,covid 19 mental health

Covid 19 has required us to make rapid and multiple changes to the way we work. Managers and leaders have been expected to adapt quickly and support their teams, this can be seen as overwhelming to managers and supervisors who are trying their best absorb loads of advice and message that information into some form of behavioral action in a sustainable way.

What leaders need is a low risk, high impact behavior response that is why we have written this article about the power of routine check-in conversations.

Power of Routine Check-In Conversations

One of the most practical ways that leaders can support employees impacted by Covid-19 is to conduct one on one sessions and semi structured check-in conversations with their direct reporters. In simple terms regularly asking them how they are and what they need, this takes the pressure out of trying to predict what people to need and reduces mental effort as suggestions and solutions come from conversations.

Consultation enables relationship and drive success, we suggest you collaborate with your team on a small set of questions to share during check-ins.

Multiple Benefits

The structured check-in is critical leadership behavior which has multiple benefits including employees perceive regular support from managers, research suggests this is strongly associated with better well being outcomes for employees after stressful events. It is a great tool for identifying needs and providing support and early problem solving, it allows you to scan for signs of stress.

The Leads Method

During check-ins there is a possibility of strong emotions arising such as anxiety, frustration, distress or grief. A focused and compassionate way of diffusing emotions and discovering the main issue is the Leads method which strikes the balance between listening first and then collaborative problem solving.

Leads stands for

  • L -Listen
  • E- Empathize
  • A- Ask
  • D – Discuss
  • S – Steps

How Employees Mental Health May Be Effected?

Corona virus pandemic is a challenging time for all of us there are a wide range of stresses that we are all challenged by to varying degrees at the moment that are going to effect the mental health of the employees.

  • Job uncertainty
  • Disruption to daily routine
  • Family Conflicts
  • Loss of purpose
  • Financial stress

Leadership and Communication During Crisis

  • Appoint a crisis management team and have a communication plan. Be a trusted source of truth and communicate regularly..
  • Be sincere and authentic in the way you communicate, acknowledge the uncertainty and the impact it is having on employees.
  • Be honest if you do not know something and respond to employees when you have more information.
  • Share and encourage your employees to share reliable source of information.

Work from home looks very easy but it also has many challenges, lifestyle needs to be adapted for new method of working.
