The gig economy has been growing over the last decade. There are some really great benefits to this trend. Workers can make extra money on the side to support their lifestyle. Consumers can purchase products and services at a more affordable rate. For many, it’s a win-win situation.

However, as with any new trend or phenomenon, there are certainly drawbacks as well. Many take advantage of the gig economy to freelance on top of their full-time careers. Freelance writing, freelance graphic design, and freelance web design are all common options. Others take advantage of the gig economy to offer services like lawn care, home repair, or automotive repair on the side.

Some need the extra income to get by, their full-time jobs not providing enough income for their families. Others do so for a creative outlet or to pay for fun expenses like a vacation. Whatever the reasons, adding a side gig to your life comes with less free time and more stress. The benefits may be worth it, but if you have a side gig, it’s worth it to take some time to think about how you’re taking care of yourself while you work a side hustle.

The following tips will guide you as you take care of both your finances and your mental health.

  1. Plan your time wisely.
    1. Get a planner and schedule your time. Block out the time you need for your full-time job as well as the number of hours you’ll work your freelance gigs. Knowing when you need to do what is paramount to your success as a freelancer. If you forget to show up at a gig or let other responsibilities take priority over your freelancing, the quality of your work decreases. This leads to fewer customers in the future, whether repeat customers or new customers. Manage your time so that your customers’ satisfaction is never at stake.
  2. Choose the right gigs.
    1. Many beginning freelancers will accept any gig, thinking that some gig is better than no gig. However, this can actually backfire on you. Accepting a low-paying freelance gig takes your time away from searching for a higher-paying gig. Ultimately, taking low-paying gigs robs you of your money. It’s better to wait and take one high-paying gig than to accept a lot of low-paying gigs. You’ll work less and earn more, and your mental health will thank you because of it.
  3. Set aside time for play.
    1. Play includes anything fun and with no purpose other than enjoyment. It might seem like a waste of your time, but it’s not. Without some play in your life, you will quickly burn out. Burnout leads to loss of productivity and, ultimately, less income for you. Remember the planner from tip #1? Schedule some play time into it, knowing it’s good for both your freelancing and your happiness.

The tips above will help you make the most of your foray into the gig economy. Making sure to schedule your time, choose the right gigs, and let yourself play is a recipe for a successful freelance business.
