What dreams have you spent years talking about but never accomplished? You told yourself and those around you what you were going to do one day. You were excited to tell your dreams to anyone that would listen.

You may have wasted valuable time saying, “One day I am going to start my own business, next month I will start a savings plan or next year I am going back to school”. Seven years, ten jobs and a pile of bills later, you are still saying the same thing. Life is moving and you are still stuck singing the same old song.

Make your vision a reality

I know this story all too well because it is my story. I realized a few years ago that if I am going to live my vision, I must get busy. The one thing you and I can never get back is missed time. Today is the perfect day to stop talking about what you desire to do and start doing it.

You must determine to not let the fear of failure or rejection, excuses, what others think and procrastination hinder you any longer. You must make up your mind to pursue your vision even if you have to do it afraid. If you begin to make the effort to move your vision forward, the necessary resources and people you need to make things happen will begin to show up .

The time is now to make your vision a reality. You will encounter struggle, resistance and opposition, but you can do it. Everyone close to you will not understand why you are doing what you are doing, but do it anyway. Sometimes it will take great effort to motivate yourself to move forward, but let faith lead you.

9 motivators

On your journey to making your vision a reality, here are nine motivators to help you get there.

1. Evaluate where you are. Take a close look at how your life is lining up in these seven areas of life (spiritual, relational, physical, mental, financial, social and professional). Knowing where you currently are positions you to see where you need go. If you need to make changes for improvement do it now and do not wait for tomorrow.

2. Envision where you desire to be. See yourself where you have never been, doing what you have never done before and walking in it even in the face of fear. Make sure what you are envisioning aligns with what you are purposed to do and not what someone else envision for your life.

3. Establish a clear plan. Create a clear personal vision statement that documents where you want to go. A vision statement should clearly describe; what you want most in life, how you expect to get there and a timeline for making your vision a reality.

4. Eliminate distractions. Disassociate with anything or anyone that is an obstacle to where you believe God is leading you. You must diffuse the distractions immediately because they can cause you to forfeit your vision with negative and discouraging talk and actions.

5. Explore all options. Look at all your options with wide-open lenses. Focus on your specific vision, but keep your peripheral sight open to all the available options. There is usually more than one way to a destination.

6. Enlist the help of others. You cannot possibly make your vision a reality on your own. You will need some assistance. Enlist the help of those who are willing to encourage and walk with you even when things do not make sense and they cannot see the reality of your vision.

7. Execute your vision plan. Once you have a documented plan, it is time to take action. Do not waste valuable time telling everyone who will listen about it, but start executing your plan. What good is it to have a great written vision plan and never take action? When you take action, you unlock the secret to achieving your vision.

8. Examine your process. As you take action on your vision, you will need to continually monitor your progress to see where you are and if you are on the right path. Examining your vision process regularly lets you know if you need to make any adjustments or changes.

9. Enjoy the journey. I do not want you to think that making your vision a reality is all work and no fun. You need to implement rewards that follow key steps of vision achievement. Rewarding accomplishments makes your vision journey enjoyable and provides a greater incentive to get the job done.

I am implementing these nine motivators in my life as I write this post. If you are serious about making your vision a reality, you can start right where you are by implementing these nine motivators and watch what happen.

“With vision there is no room to be frightened. No reason for intimidation. It’s time to march forward! Let’s be confident and positive!” Charles Swindoll

Question: What steps can you implement today to make your vision a reality? Leave your comment below.


Ready To Live Your Vision

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If you follow the simple 9 motivators you can make your vision a reality.

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