
Corona Virus or simply COVID-19 is the most popular buzzword today. Since the outbreak of this disease, people all over the world got infected immediately. The disease was recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), and termed as the latest form of Corona Virus i.e. COVID-19.

How it all began

The disease of Coronavirus (COVID-19) also known as Novel Coronavirus is an acute respiratory syndrome, which originated from Wuhan City, China’s seafood market. However, most sources claim that the disease originated from animal market, and the spread because of dead bats or pangolins. But scientists are unable to confirm how the disease transformed from animal to human.

The first case of COVID-19 was identified by the World Health Organization (WHO), on 11th March, 2020, as a global pandemic. Since then the disease spread throughout the world, forcing everyone to self-distance themselves and wear N-95 masks for protection. To this day, COVID-19 has claimed lives of 779,645 people as of late (    

COVID-19 Symptoms

It is important to know what are the symptoms of COVID-19 and how can anyone differentiate it with Influenza (flu). Both Coronavirus and Influenza are similar in nature, however, one varies from another as far as causes are concerned. Novel Coronavirus is also known as SARS-COV-2, because it belongs from SARS family of virus, whereas flu emerges from influenza virus, thus, the symptoms vary. However, a few of symptoms are common in both the diseases.  

Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19 are both contagious respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses. COVID-19 is caused by infection with a new coronavirus (called SARS-CoV-2) and flu is caused by infection with influenza viruses. Because some of the symptoms of flu and COVID-19 are similar, it may be hard to tell the difference between them based on symptoms alone, and testing may be needed to help confirm a diagnosis. Flu and COVID-19 share many characteristics, but there are some key differences between the two. The symptoms of COVID-19 are as follows:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Uneasy breathing
  • Exhaustion
  • Shaking and Chills
  • Head and Body aches
  • Tastelessness and sore throat
  • Diarrhoea and Nausea
  • Loss of smell

COVID-19 is a dangerous disease which can lead to death, pneumonia, or respiratory failure, if not identified on time.  

Precautionary Measures

With the outbreak of COVID-19 disease, everyone was advised to self-isolate, in order to protect themselves. This contagious disease has proven to be germ career, and thus, many lives were affected directly, just because of public gathering.

Risk factors related to Coronavirus

As the days pass by, more and more people throughout the world are getting affected because of COVID-19. Countries like United States, Brazil, Mexico, India, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Spain, Peru and Iran suffered the most as far as death ratio is concerned. The risk factor is always there and need for protecting others and ourselves must remain the priority. The rise in hazard may occur because of the following reasons:

  1. Improper ventilation system
  2. People gathering in crowded places
  3. Ignoring 2 to 6 meters distance rule

People who suffer most from COVID-19

Coronavirus has impacted lives of one and all both physically as well as emotionally. However, three types of people are affected the most because of this contagious disease. These include:

  1. People in their old ages
  2. People who don’t have stronger immunity and
  3. People with fundamental medical condition

So, the question arises how to protect yourself:

Wear Mask: Mask has become a symbol for protection from the contagious disease of coronavirus. Not only the patients but also doctors have to follow this norm.

Self-isolation: When COVID-19 spread through the world like a wild fire, Social Distancing became the new culture. The disease spread so fast that people had to shut down all the work and other activities, and preferred to stay at their homes.  

Be Honest: Those who have a stronger chance of infection with Coronavirus, should avoid gathering in public. Whether small or large, avoid all sorts of gathering whether in public or enclosed places. In case you feel symptoms, it is better to get yourself tested, or self-isolate at home. And even if going out is mandatory, wear a mask and maintain distance of 2 to 6 meters.