Pain is part of everyone’s everyday life. We all know it like an old friend—we go way back. Most people hate their pain, want it to go away, and never return.

That is a big mistake!

Pain is a powerful alarm from your physical body, accompanied by an important message—that you are not in alignment with who you really are. Your pain is a clearly telling you “Hey, you are messing up by not taking good care of yourself. It’s time to make self-love and your wellbeing your highest priority!”

Acknowledging your pain this way turns it into a gift, a chance, and an opportunity to gain new wisdom about yourself—which you then can follow and shift back to BE and live your truth and joy.

Your physical pain brings you closer to YOU! How fantastic is that?

Here are 3 tips to gratefully honor and celebrate your pain so it can be released naturally:

1. Practice a pressure-free way of being!

  • Let go of your judgement that pain is bad and your expectation of “It has to go away”
  • Acknowledge and welcome it as the gift it is, and tell it “You are welcome to stay as long as you need to stay”
  • Give it space to BE present for you; just as you would make space for a good friend visiting
  • Make yourself a cup of tea, sit down, and have a chit-chat with your pain. Ask it what it is here to teach you and what wisdom it has for you.

That will release all pressure you have and creates a welcoming, loving, and peaceful energy in you, for you, and with your pain.

2. Practice a resistance-free way of feeling!

Say or think “I accept, I respect, I appreciate, I thank, and I love you – my pain – for the gift that you are for me.”

These words release any resistance you have towards your pain and will keep you from creating new ones. A resistance-free being can allow anything to BE as it IS—even pain. This brings calm, peace, and relaxation in you, for you, and with your pain.

3. Create a healthy and healing “happiness environment” in every component of your whole being – your body, your mind, your soul, and your consciousness – because that empowers you to enjoy your life – including your pain – with joy.

For your physical body: Eat clean food, drink plenty of water, move and exercise fittingly for you, sleep and relax often. A healthy physical body creates an environment where pain might not even show up.

For your mind: Acknowledge every non-loving thought you have (towards yourself and others) and shift them to good feeling thoughts. The more you practice, the better you get at “positive thinking.” A healthy mind can have a healthy conversation with anything – even pain – and is open for all wisdom.

To nourish your soul, practice anything that touches your heart: listening to beautiful music, hearing the songbirds out there, snuggling with your furry friend, hugging and kissing a loved one. A happy heart makes for a nourished soul—a requirement for being in alignment with who you really are.

And last but not least… The power of your consciousness is in your “NOW.” So focus on what is going right for you right now and practice gratitude for that! This can be your beautiful breath that you fully enjoy and feel, a delicious treat that makes you smile, or the gift that your pain brings to the table. Pulling yourself into that “now-joy” often, means that you can BE grateful often—even for that pain of yours.

With the happiest wishes,

Jacqueline Pirtle

This article is no medical advise. Please seek a doctor if you need help.


  • Jacqueline Pirtle

    Holistic Practitioner, Healing Arts Teacher - Mentor with a unique passion as an ambassador for mindful happiness, Bestselling Author

    Hi! I am Jacqueline Pirtle. I serve my clients as a holistic practitioner, a healing arts teacher-mentor – with a unique passion as an ambassador for mindful happiness – and author of the best-seller 365 Days of Happiness.

    Like so many higher vibe beings that choose to BE here NOW with a healing purpose, I too have had a path that can be felt as physically or emotionally painful—childhood, relationships, and many of these ups and downs. I refuse to be limited by any idea that looks like a physical fixed space and don’t ever feel held or glued into yesterday’s story, because I know that I am new every single moment. My truth is that I am called to tap into my spiritual connection every single day, and that I know I am being amplified. Everything in the rearview has nothing to do with this day, other than it was an experience that has led me here. So… These happenings were only put in front of me – and are only put in front of us – as a reminder of the purpose of humanity and to understand the experience of humanity. Knowing that, I understand that this was the script that was written for me because that is how – and ultimately why – I can do the most service. Therefore, I allowed these tools to lead me to create a higher frequency of teachings – sessions and books – for others, so that they can have a growth point too. By utilizing the connected energetic field to tap into the quantum, then sharing space – where there is no separation – and time with them, I support clients in the awakening into the infinite potential that is already in them. This is truly a beautiful gift, and I feel really honored to always know that whatever bigger-than-me energy is moving through me is what is necessary, and that it is moving and supporting people right where they are at… …be it in that gentle space of “waking-up” or “remembering” where my best-selling book 365 Days of Happiness is perfect because it touches you in all ways—meeting you in your soft space to open up your heart and shed your limits by teaching you – and reminding you – of mindful happiness. Or… …in an intentional deepness – wherever you are on your path and your spiritual evolution and maturity – shifting you into profound energetic experiences, knowing, and being—through my one-on-one sessions. Whatever is moving through me can move through anyone that is ready for opening. By listening and reading my teachings and whatever comes through my work – books and sessions – know it is an extension of that message and of love. Let’s – together – play in this light-field!