Finding Your Why infographic

It’s easy to stay in our comfort zone and do what we’ve always done, even when we know it isn’t making us happy.

Finding your true purpose and then turning your entire life around can be a daunting and fearful experience. But it is well worth it in the end.

You have two choices. You can continue to play around, living day by day, doing what you’ve always done up to this point. Or you can take a chance, dig deep and figure out what you’re really meant to be doing.

When you stop and take the time to figure out what your purpose is, and then build your life around it, something amazing happens.

Instead of feeling like you’re wasting your life, you realize that what you’re doing matters. You’re making a difference and you have a positive influence on the people around you.

Here’s an important thing to remember. It’s not about the money you make, the house you buy, or the car you drive. Those things are nice, but they don’t make you happy.

Instead it’s about figuring out what you are good at and how you can bless those around you with that skill. That second part is important.

You don’t want to get good at something for the sake of perfecting it. That’s fine for a hobby, but not for your life’s purpose.

Purposeful Life

Let’s say you’re a writer and you’ve learned a lot over the past few years about eldercare as you are taking care of an older parent.

Why not use your mad writing skills to spread the word and make it easier for others in your situation.

Your “Why” or Purpose Doesn’t Have To Be Huge

Instead of writing a journal or a book draft you never plan to publish about your experience, set up a blog and commit to self-publishing a guide to help others get through the confusing first stages of elder care.

You’ve been there, you can help and positively influence others in a similar situation. You can use your writing skills to let them know they are not alone and that there is plenty of help out there.

You can help guide them on the right path. And what a difference that will make. How helpful would that kind of information and support have been to you a few short years ago?

One thing I haven’t really mentioned is the fact that your “why” doesn’t have to be something huge and important. You don’t have to be the next Gandhi or Mother Teresa.

You don’t need to find some huge, all-encompassing purpose that fills your life and changes the world.

Small things can have a big impact over time. Don’t discount them. Maybe your purpose in life is to help shelter animals.

If you already adopt your pets from there, spend some time volunteering and helping socialize cats and dogs to make it easier for the shelter to find families to adopt them.

Fulfillment & Passion

My point is this: if finding your purpose or your “why” seems overwhelming, don’t try to imagine anything too big. Find something small and easy you can do that will make a difference in your life and those around you.

Start there and do what you can. Who knows, it may grow into something bigger, but it doesn’t have to. Small things can have a big impact as well and they will give you the satisfaction of a job well done.

With that in mind, what can you do today to help you move toward finding or fulfilling your purpose in life?

What one small thing can you do?

Figure it out, go do it and then move on from there.

Before you know it, you’ll have your why all figured out and are making progress helping those around you.

Here’s a quote by Dr. Albert Schweitzer that’s worth pondering:

“The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others. “