The past few weeks have left me in a muddle. I have struggled to eat. I have struggled to feel okay. I have struggled to work. I have struggled to even get out of bed some days. All things that are not normal for my vibrant self. My whole energy has been shaken to the core and I honestly could not figure out what was going on. As I forced myself to hop on a call with my spiritual coach this week, I wondered if I had the energy to pull off the call. I was exhausted. Frustrated. Sick. Stuck. The moment I got on the call and started to express my current situation the tears fell. I needed relief. It is super rare that I get myself in a funk that I feel like I cannot evolve from. As we began to unravel what was at the core of this off kilter few weeks I realized I was much more aware of the underlying problem than I realized. I probably just didn’t want to deal with it. As my spiritual coach led me into exercises I could do to realign myself I felt all the emotions come up from inside me. I wiped away the tears as they came streaming down. When I am out of alignment it is as if my whole body gives me all the signs. From physically being sick to emotionally being exhausted. I knew I was not in alignment. I knew I was majorly off my divine path. 

As we peeled back the layers of where things had gotten off-centered so many things came to the surface. From professional things that I had decided in the past few weeks that I knew was not aligned for me and felt icky in my intuitive gut. To friendships that had misunderstandings that I was confused on what I needed to do to keep the patterns from repeating. So many things were mis-aligned. I waded through the stickiness of it all. The mess that I had created by choosing to walk out of alignment for only a few weeks. Thankful that I had caught myself in time to get back to the center of my divine purpose. My coach easily made so much sense the more he talked. It became apparent I was consciously aware of how things were off kilter. 

The thing I love about walking in our divine purpose is that the moment you leave that path, you are LOST. It is a complete feeling of knowing you are not where you need to be. Everything that was so clear, is only muddled and foggy. You cannot see where to even step forward. The universe clearly wants us to get back to the lighted path and makes it so easy to see when we choose to walk along the darkened path of non-alignment. I settled into my seat as my coach went through how to draw myself back to the lighted path. The return was easy. Re-alignment and re-centering in who I am. Getting in the flow of allowing divine inspiration to come through me. Getting back to what I love and what I enjoy. Choosing my own path again instead of letting myself think that path needed to look a certain way. Not returning to old patterns. Allowing myself to place certain relationships in a box of my choosing. Placing boundaries down that created a place where I could feel safe and not energetically pulled in relationships. Letting myself create a picture for myself what it could look like if my work was happy and if my relationships were mutually satisfying. Creating a new alignment for myself and allowing myself to realize I am the magician in my own life. I cannot co-create with the universe all the manifestations deep in my heart if I am not in alignment with the universe. Getting back to that alignment was the first step.

Needless to say, that forty-five-minute call with my spiritual coach was some of the best time I had spent in the last few weeks. The action plan I was given…I immediately put into place. I spent time with my candles, incense, water fountain and meditation music. I allowed myself to go deep into myself to see just where my divine inspiration was and allow it to come back to me. No judgement on what it told me. Allowing myself to live in the flow again. Doing only what I wanted to do because I was the one who got to decide that. The universe cannot meet me to help me co-create if I am confused about what I even want. I needed to get super clear on what I wanted and then let the universe lead me on how to get there. 

If you find you are out of alignment, all you have to do is get back to the lighted path of your divine plan. Allow yourself the time to get back to the flow of inspiration and intuition led ideas. Allow yourself to have fun. The path is so clear and my weight on my shoulders were immediately lifted once I got back to where I belonged. Take that path back to who you are deep down. Anytime you stray, remember, it is easy to get back. You have all the answers you need right inside of you. 
