In the current context, we must avoid relying solely on marketing or traditional marketing, and instead adopt an integrated approach. In other words, the right tools must be used at the right time to target the right audience. Here are a few tips:

1. Define a strategic vision for marketing

Step back and plan your integrated marketing efforts before taking action. Determine the desired positioning of your business in the market based on your unique value proposition and ideal customers. Ask yourself first: Do we know enough about our market and our customers to make informed decisions about appropriate marketing strategies? Should we do a market study?

2. Create typical customer profiles

It is often beneficial to create typical customer profiles, or fictional characters, to define and understand the type of customer you want to target and how to reach them. Establishing the profile of your current clients is a good starting point.

3. Use CRM software

More companies should use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to improve their marketing. Make sure that all marketers, both traditional and digital, within your team have been trained to use this platform; they will be able to take advantage of the powerful tools it provides them to generate marketing information.

4. Choosing the right channels

You can use your website to provide information about your products and value-added content, such as videos, testimonials, blogs, eBooks and white papers. The effectiveness of this type of online content to attract audiences, adapt messages and track your progress is well established. In some cases, however, traditional media – such as a flyer – may be more effective.

5. Go beyond the boundaries of the local market

The goal of integrated marketing is to generate new opportunities for the sales team and to prepare the ground for contact. Nowadays, customers outside of your local market can find you online and will often know as much as your representatives about your products and those of your competitors. Your team must have the confidence to sell in potentially new, potentially remote markets without dealing with customers in person. She needs to fully understand all the messages conveyed to them through the various marketing channels and, above all, be well prepared to answer questions and potential objections.

6. Build on public relations

A public relations strategy, besides being inexpensive, could help you stand out from the competition. Ask yourself the following questions

  • Have we developed a unique product or service?
  • Do we offer innovative technology?
  • Are we a leader in our sector?
  • Do we give back to our community?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, you probably have a good story to present to the media. In the age of social media, however, you must be more careful than ever when talking about your company or making statements. Be sincere and let your marketing support your position.

7. Integrate traditional marketing with websites and web pages

In your traditional ads, ask your customers to visit your website or Facebook page to learn more about your promotions, print coupons, sign up for contests, and more. Feel free to add the address of your site in all your advertisements.

By integrating traditional and marketing strategies by LemonDog, you will be able to reach more potential new customers according to their preferences. Motivate your sales teams and equip them properly; this will increase your chances of achieving your business goals.


  • I am professional blogger/writer, and have been writing as a freelance writer for various websites. Now I have joined one of the most recognized platforms in the world.