You know what I’m talking about. Backstabbing, spreading malicious rumors, and “sucking up” to the boss…………… are all examples of negative office politics. 

“Office politics” are the strategies people use to gain advantage for themselves or to support a cause. The term’s negative connotation derives from the fact that usually people seek advantage at the expense of others or the greater good.

Negative politicking often adversely affects the working environment and the relationships within it.

Good politicking, on the other hand, helps you fairly promote yourself and your cause in a context of networking and stakeholder management.

Beware of these types of politicians:

Climbers: They aspire to advance themselves at any cost. They are so focused on advancement that they will do anything- right or wrong.

Takers: They will constantly sap your time for help, advice, or ideas. They will “take,” but rarely reciprocate.

Bus Drivers:  These people are the ones that use your back to propel themselves forward-they will throw you under the bus to get ahead. 

Paycheck Getters: They do the bare minimum, doing exactly what they are told to do.  They don’t go beyond the assignment.


• Build a broad coalition of support. Be friendly with everyone at all levels in the organization.
• Reflect on your emotions, what prompts them, and how you handle them. If you can learn to self-regulate, you’ll be able to think before you act.
• Avoid gossip. Do not say anything about colleagues that you would not say directly to them.
• Neutralize Negative Politics- You can help to make a workplace become more positive by not “fueling the fire” and joining in negative politics.
• Confront unsavory politics directly. Whenever you get the sense political games are taking place, get the two parties together and talk about it.
• Be curious and mindful-don’t just believe everything you hear and DON”T go around repeating it.
• Be transparent about your own communication.
• Stay healthy. Maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle outside of work to help you cope with the madness at work.

You can rise above this type of behavior and set the example for others and remember, never tire of doing the right thing!