The beauty of life is hidden behind every struggle. The true meaning of it will never unfold unless you allow yourself to feel it.

Pain, love, fear, comfort, mistakes, failures, losing, and winning are the ingredients that make life worth living. Every battle you’ve been teaches you about something.

But there are times when you’ll feel some battles are not worth fighting. Because no matter where you look, you’ll lose.

That’s when depression takes over.

Slowly, you’re falling into it. Until you can’t seem to get out. Until you’re chained to it, locked by it, and caged by it. Then hope is fading and you’re doing the same.

Slowly fading.

Every day you feel the same. You see the same bunch of people. You experience the same things. Sometimes it’s getting better, but mostly, it’s getting worst.

Every day you’re torturing yourself why you’re wasting your time hanging around if you can just end it. Immediately.

Your life is getting dull. You have no plans at all because everything is on repeat and you’re exhausted.

Depression is a tough battle to fight. It’s a monster that hunts and kills our society. Our people. Our future.

Having this is terrible because it targets one of your greatest weakness  — your emotions.

It is disturbing to know that depression is one of the leading cause of deaths worldwide.
In 2015, according to W.H.O, 322 million of people around the world are affected by this mental illness. It involves 4.4% of the world’s total population.

Depression is the primary contributor to suicide deaths which results in almost 800,000 cases per year. 80% of this illness is prominent in low to middle-income countries and nearly half of the victims came from South East Asia and Western Pacific regions.

The risk of being depressed is often caused by poverty, unsuccessful relationships, unemployment, traumatic experiences, and death of a loved one.

Some of the noticeable symptoms of depression are hopelessness, loss of interests in the activities you usually love to do, feeling worthless and empty, unable to concentrate well, being restless, having less or too much sleep, and having suicidal thoughts or suicidal attempts.

Depression doesn’t choose its victim. People from all walks of life and of all ages can suffer from this illness. If you know you’re depressed, you should take action.

These are the ways you can do to kill your fame in the world of depression.

1. Just talk

Talking can help you fight depression. For some, it’s difficult to just simply talk because the people around them are the main reason why they’re depressed.

If you find yourself in this situation, there are other ways to let it out. You can join a forum or a support group. You can also call your national helplines to have someone you can talk and can guide you on what to do.

Don’t take it all in because you’ll end up feeling devastated. Reach out to people who can give you pieces of helpful advice or knowledge on how to overcome it. You’ll be amazed by the amount of support you can get.

Depression is an illness and it’s not something you should be ashamed. Humans only focus on themselves and if you won’t let them know what’s happening to you, they wouldn’t bother to help you. Some may notice but most will not.

Don’t let that monster have a control over you. Don’t let it destroy you. Don’t shut everybody out of your life.

Speak out because you badly need help.

2. Don’t isolate yourself

Living your life in seclusion is never a great idea. You will only make yourself believe it’s better to be alone.

It will make you believe you can control everything that’s been going on inside your head.
You must admit you need someone who can give you a clearer perspective on your life and who can help you when it comes to making decisions.

You need somebody to confide with. You need to express yourself, your thoughts, your feelings, and your agony to someone else.

When you’re depressed, your own worst enemy is yourself. Dealing with it without nobody’s help is terrible.

Find someone who is truly willing to help you.

3. Suicide is never the answer

There’s always an ending in everything and taking your own life is never an option. Everyone in this world has a storm to face. Some will give up but most will survive and they will tell their own tales.

Never include yourself in the list of those who will surrender. Be the one who will face the storm and conquer it.

Every storm will not end up fast and easy. The wind will blow tremendously, the water will hit you hard until it will make your ship quiver and your soul shiver with fear.

Doubt will knock and the thought of retreating will taunt you. But don’t close your eyes. Watch and appreciate the beauty of fighting your own battle.

If the sky is too dark for you to see, think of a single reason why you need to surpass the storm. Even if it’s just one, even if it‘s not really worth fighting for, it can cause a change.
Think of what you can have once you can live through it.

Engrave a new scar to yourself to remind you of your capability. Nobody can survive the storm in the same way that you did.

You are strong enough to live this long and after everything you’ve been through?

Don’t stop. Don’t quit. Your life is precious. It’s your possession, so own it.

Create your own history.

Write your own story.

But never end it cowardly.

Keep marching.


4. If you ever think your life is worse than others…

Think again.

Because you are definitely wrong.

Some wanted to have a life like yours. Some wanted to eat the food you can eat. Some wanted to have a place like yours to live. Some wanted to wear the clothes you can wear.
Some would rather have a parent like yours than to have a parent that fights every day. Some would rather have a relationship like yours than to be in a relationship that’s made of cheating and lies. Some would rather have a broken heart because it’s a proof you are capable of love.

I’m writing this because I wanted to let you know that your life is definitely worth living. Despite all the ungrateful things you’ve experienced, there are still things you should be thankful.

5. Help yourself

Nobody can help you if you don’t will yourself to heal. Always try to seek help and don’t keep it because it will be tormenting.

Get out of your room and take a walk. Try to control your mind and never allow your thoughts control you. Entertain yourself by doing some activities like exercising, writing, or drawing.Shut it down before it can cause damage. Stop it while you have the strength. Help yourself.

Remember hardships are only temporary. What you can get and learn from it, is what truly matters. March your way out with your head held up high.

And never stop marching.