I was supposed to be on spring break this week. But I’m not. I’m within the same four walls that I’ve been for the past four weeks. I know this is for the greater good, but some days it sure feels like life is in a holding pattern I miss my adventurous self… and it takes an effort to rekindle my spirit.  

Taking a socially-distant hike to keep my adventurous mojo pumping.
Photo by @servingupsocial

If the stillness is consuming you, here are some ways to feel adventurous in the age of Coronavirus.

  1. Hike (of course) – reminder to practice social distancing. There are plenty of hikes you can go on. Here is how you can find a trail near you
  2. Learn to bake baguettes or something else you’ve always wanted to try but didn’t have time. It’s sushi night at our house tonight! You can still get a lot of supplies from Amazon and grocery delivery services. 
  3. Trip cancelled? Ramp up your language learning for free on Duolingo for when you get to go. 
  4. Spa Day. Break out the nail polish and go for a Mani/pedi at home! Who cares if it’s horrible, you can’t really tell from 6 feet away! Don’t forget about nail wraps, remember those? They remove the drying time and you can get some pretty cool looks at home.
  5. Set a date with your friends for a Google Hangout – ladies night! Want to make it more fun? Come up with a theme: swap recipes, talk about your favorite movie or series, you could even host your book club! 
  6. With all the uncertainty today, a guided meditation may be what you need to help you reduce anxiety.
  7. Read a classic book you never read in school. (Check out your local library’s eBook offerings. Many libraries lend ebooks through services like Hoopla or Libby ) — Audible also has some free selections now
  8. Find a dance workout on YouTube, laugh and get a workout. We’ve tried bollywood and hip hop. Felt ridiculous and amazing at the same time. Endorphins!
  9. Learn to draw with lessons from DrawSpace.com. They offer free and paid lessons, even some from famous artists.
  10. Dive into the deep, dark corners of your closet or junk drawer… or if you want to go full-on Mari-Kondo, book an online session with a professional organizer. 

The thing here is to do the things that bring you adventure staying safe and well.
