The internet has become such an inherent part of our lives that it’s hard to imagine there was a time without it. From connecting with friends and family, buying food and services online, and now digital businesses are becoming the norm. 

The internet has changed the way we live, and the way we work. According to the latest statistics, more than 70% of employees work remotely at least once every week. In the United States alone, almost 50% of Americans have worked outside their office – either somewhere in town or from their home.

Connectivity Leads To Flexible Conditions

We are in the digital age and we’re only just touching on the possibilities of being so interconnected. Employers and employees have begun to realise that the regular 9–5 workday is quickly becoming a thing of the past. With so many technological and software innovations, we can do more in less time, and we don’t even have to be in the office to do so. Ultimately, the only thing you need to work from home is a decent internet connection, which is becoming a necessity alongside the usual electrical and water utilities for most homes.

The Benefits on Both Sides

But, how does internet connectivity help here? Firstly, it enables efficient work outside of the office, without losing out on the tasks you would normally do, and the benefits to both employers and employees are truly remarkable. Employers can simply pay for a great internet package, rather than office or equipment costs and then employees (and employers) can: 

Hold Meetings – Thanks to internet connectivity, it has never been easier to attend meetings and share data then and there. This was always the selling point of an office because face-to-face communication is often more in-depth and show results faster. With software like Zoom and Skype, now you can have easy, remote meetings and get everything you need, without the pesky commute.

Improve Response Times – With better connectivity you can set up automations, easy web-chats or support windows from the comfort of your own sofa. Which means that the normal distractions of in-house conversations, unnecessary meetings and the usual hustle and bustle, aren’t interrupting the workflow. Meaning that employees are doing more work when clocked in, making them more productive with better response times.

Get Easy Access To Company Resources – Previously documentation was stored in large file cabinets or took up a lot of physical space. Today, cloud computing reduces the need for large storage space, therefore saving money and reducing overheads for businesses. Plus, using online credentials, any employee, manager or CEO can check, sign and return documents from their devices.

Benefit From Efficient Collaboration – Online collaboration software is the bread and butter of every successful company. In addition to being able to work together on the same document while not being physically right next to each other, it also helps by providing access to powerful tools that help find any issues that might be slowing down current operations.

Run Corporate Training–  The internet is a treasure trove of knowledge, and acquiring new skills and certificates has never been easier. Businesses often have discounts when they enroll their employees in corporate training programs, which benefits both sides: businesses can easily close any skill shortage gaps, and employees gain new knowledge and skills that makes them more competitive. Plus, doing this remotely allows employees to do it at their own pace with fewer disruptions to their work days.

Access Wider Talent Pools – Businesses can now have access to top industry talent and benefit from workers with key skills and experience that might otherwise be out of reach because of location. Similarly, workers can look further afield to get a job if their area is saturated.

Reduce Commuting Costs – Traveling to work costs time and money. In densely populated areas, it can take over two hours to get to and from work. This can seriously eat into the yearly salary, wastes time and can make the work-life balance almost impossible.

Increase Happiness – Research suggests that employees are happier when they have a say in how they work. If they don’t feel like handling commuting and traffic on a certain day, they should be able to work from home. The daily commute is actually physically and emotionally taxing, and you end up having employees who are disgruntled before the workday even begins, reducing productivity.

It takes adjustment to shift from office to remote and flexible work, but the benefits can outweigh the costs for many employees and employers. In addition to all the above benefits, flexible work has led to more satisfaction in the long run, which helps employers keep retention rates down, sick days low, and productivity high.