Most of us go trough events and personal challenges that traumatize or hurt us. Some go through tougher strides than others.

I recently was the victim of trauma, of being victimized and having my life turned upside down. And even though I was almost suicidal at one point, I managed to turn it around and get out on the other side as a champion.

You also deserve to be happy, and that’s why I’m going to share what I learned with you. Let’s start with my greatest realization:

Focusing on living a better life right now.

We all wish we could turn back time and wipe away things we did and were exposed to. But that is not reality.

Time only moves forward. That’s what we also have to do.

One of the easiest things to accomplish that is by living a healthier lifestyle.

1. Don’t Turn To Drugs

When I feel like trash and stressed out, I just want to go buy a pack of smokes and drink wine all day long. That’s what many people do, and eventually, they become alcoholics or drug addicts.

Of course, this is a bad coping mechanism that only makes you feel better for the moment, and is destructive in the long run.

Stay away from all kinds of drugs. If you’ve been traumatized or feel depressed, you are probably going to abuse seemingly harmless drugs like caffeine, so make sure to stay clean.

2. Eat Healthy Foods

Drug abuse is a form of self-harm. A long-form type of suicide. Victims of abuse and tragedy mistakenly feel like they deserve the self-destruction.

Likewise, having a bad diet, eating irregularly, and consuming junk food is a way to commit self-harm.

You get trapped within a negative spiral because the suboptimal diet increases the production of stress hormones in your body, which when elevated for long periods cause mood disorders and depression. 

You already have challenges to overcome. You don’t need yet another one.

Improve your diet. Eat at regular times, eat more greens and less of that junk. For your own best!

3. Exercise Well!

When you’re suffering from trauma or stress, you must direct your misery and frustration to something constructive. For example, doing some cardio and weightlifting.

It will strengthen your mind. You will become more self-disciplined since you constantly have to push for more repetitions and distances. 

Exercise also forces you to live a better life in all areas. You need to sleep well if you care about lifting weights. You need to eat well.

And eventually, you will notice something that makes you feel incredible; You begin to look fantastic. You’re more energetic, you feel better, and you love what you see in the mirror.

“Forget about the bad parts of life, all I care about is becoming even better today!” you will say to yourself.

That is a good thing. It will help you.


I have been down in the abyss, and I know how some of you out there feel. And I want you to get well a I did. Of course, living a healthy life will not make you happy overnight, and it won’t snap away mental unhealth.

But it can improve your chances of dealing with challenges that faze you. It can act as a guiding light to avoid the void of self-destruction. And it can help you survive your past.

In the end of the day, you obviously need to cope with trauma and abuse in your own way, and seek a professional therapist if you need to. However, don’t underestimate the value in being healthy. 

After all, they say the best revenge is living well!