Hope you’re all doing well and getting through this crazy winter weather most of the country is having. What a way to mark the one-year anniversary of COVID-19. We had snow here in Tennessee last week! I couldn’t believe it! It was a first for us, and we had to make do with the snow gear since everything is still in Chicago, but we had a blast! From the sledding to the hot chocolate, we had quality family time — something I never take for granted and am always so grateful for.

I’m always grateful, but like everyone, I do hit a wall sometimes. As I’m sitting here writing this, I’m reflecting on these past few weeks, and I’m trying to figure out why I was in a mental funk this month. Yes, I was in a funk and I admit it!

Here is what I think caused the funk:

1.) Lack of sleep & was starting to get sick. 

2.) I wasn’t listening to my gut, I was letting my mind get to me. 

3.) I was trying to force things that didn’t feel right. 

4.) I was focusing on what I wasn’t doing versus being grateful and giving myself grace and space when I needed it.

What am I doing to get out of the funk?

1.) Lean on my peeps, I know they have my back.

2.) Unplug and ask for help so I can rest. 

3.) Look for inspiration and keep seeing signs everywhere to keep going. 

4.) Continue to workout, that has been my saving grace!

How to Avoid a Winter Workout Slump

Winter weather can sometimes be an obstacle to working out, especially if you like to exercise outdoors. The dark days of winter often serve as an excuse to stop exercising. But winter workouts can actually help you beat the winter blues and stay fit all year! 

Here are my 5 tips to keep you motivated this winter: 

  1. Focus on a milestone — Whether it’s the number of push ups or lifting a heavier weight, set a goal and work towards it. You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment that will give you confidence to keep going and get stronger. (In the Unleash the Beast membership we focus on a new milestone each month).
  1. Reward yourself — Treat yourself to new workout clothes or exercise equipment. (Need ideas for inexpensive equipment? Download my Home Gym Made Easy guide. You deserve it, especially if it will motivate you to get that workout in and feel good about yourself.
  1. Try a new program — Boredom is the number one reason people quit their exercise routine. So shake things up and try something new. Give Unleash the Beast a try! It’s the best at homework where almost every workout is different. I promise you won’t get bored! And it’s indoors so you can work out whatever the weather! www.thestrongfitlife.com/freeclass
  1. Find an accountability buddy or group— Having a workout partner our group is key to keeping you on track! (In the Unleash the Beast membership we have each other’s back, always)! 

5. Be flexible — Life happens and sometimes we just can’t get that workout in. Or maybe you just don’t feel up to it. That’s ok. Go easy on yourself if you need a break. The important thing is to get back on track as soon as you can!
