Joti Statovci is proud owner of Unbelievable Shop, an online shopping portal that is running successfully in the market.

Joti says the most successful entrepreneurs challenge themselves to be open-minded and approach problems with a filter that is void of established tendencies and stigmas. They are unconventional thinkers, not limited by the constraints of the systems in place, but instead challenge those systems with fresh ideas and techniques. Don’t mistake this objectivity with naivety; entrepreneurs leverage research and data-driven analysis to account for factors and variables that existing solutions may have overlooked. Their ability to challenge commonly assumed principles or beliefs ushers in a completely new way of thinking.

Big problems require big solutions. Entrepreneurs are driven by a “go big, go home” mentality in everything they do, and that is why entrepreneurial thinking is needed more today than ever before. Incremental change is not sufficient, they demand monumental change towards an audacious endgame. Time management might be the biggest problem faced by entrepreneurs, who wear many (and all) hats. If you only had more time, you could accomplish so much more!

·  If any tasks do not mesh with your goals, eliminate them

·  If any tasks do not absolutely have to be completed by you, delegate them

·  Consistently ask yourself: “Is what I’m doing right now the absolute best use of my time?”

Before you start to build your company, you need to define your problem and explain your solution. This is the thing you’ll be telling to investors, friends, partners and people you network with. What is that burning hot idea inside you and how does your company solve that problem uniquely?

Find a way to tell your story in a way that you can repeat every day, without it ever growing old or stale. This is your passion.

An entrepreneur’s life is not enviable, at least in the beginning. It’s extremely easy to get discouraged when something goes wrong or when you’re not growing as fast as you’d like. Self-doubt creeps in, and you feel like giving up. Being able to overcome self-doubt is a necessary trait for entrepreneurs. Having a good support system will help: family and friends who know your goals and support your plight, as well as an advisory board of other entrepreneurs who can objectively opine as to the direction of your business says Joti Statovci.