
Thank you so much for joining us! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to start your business?

First of all, Africa is the world’s second-largest and second most-populous continent on Earth, covering more than 20% of its land area with beautiful landscapes and natural resources. All the while, suffering for centuries.

In Africa, the majority of people experience poverty. Half of its population is children, and this situation not only threatens their present-day condition but also their future. Two out of three children are living without access to basic needs, such as clean water, sufficient food or basic sanitation. Two out of five children in Africa, will not even finish primary school, let alone secondary, as a result of these missing necessities.

These are very dangerous conditions because with limited opportunities, the cycles of poverty are difficult to break.  Most children born into poverty will die in poverty, and their children will continue the cycle.

I set out to help children escape poverty and attempt to provide a better outlook on life for them by assisting with providing the basic needs to survive.  I feel a great need to help make a positive difference.

Can you share the biggest challenges that you had to overcome since you started this business?

Funding is probably the biggest challenge, and the possibility of fundraising for the cause and educating people about the daily needs African orphans have to endure. There is such a dire need to fund projects that support these children, whether it be for their basic needs, education or just bringing them hope.  Statistics reveal that there are 3.5 million orphans in Africa today. If people are not donating and helping this cause, then these children, most times, do not eat. 

What advice would you have for other new entrepreneurs?

Find what you’re passionate about and go for it.  Anything worthwhile will take a lot of time and energy to get up and going, but if it is something you love doing, it doesn’t seem or feel like it’s work. An important aspect of it is to stick with it and seeing it being realized.  There are so many people out there who are living their dreams, why can’t you do it?

How do you think that your consultancy will make a huge difference in people’ life?

I think the main aspect is how people begin gaining confidence in themselves. Everyone has the power and inner strength to be great, however, bringing out that talent from within, is what people find is the most intimidating. But, once they get over that hurdle, they see more and more of themselves achieving the unachievable.

Can you share with us a personal story of an emotional struggle?

Probably being a newly single parent at the age of twenty-eight with two young kids. My youngest was two and still in diapers and my oldest was five. I only had a two year degree and was scared that I was not going to be able to provide for my family. 

At that point, I didn’t know what to do with my life. I had spent so many years being a stay at home mom and here I was having to go out into this huge world without any experience.  It was terrifying.  I remember thinking, well do I want to work at Walmart my whole life or do I want to go make something of myself?  I started going back to school and had so much help and support from my family and friends. It was a long road, and not easy but here I am, twelve years later teaching business courses in college. And, have recently started my own non-profit, published my first book and my kids are doing great. 

What are your future plans?

My future plans are to continue to grow the 4-year Business Program at Navajo Technical University and help our students to become successful. I also plan to publish more books. I see AfrikRising continuing to grow and make a huge positive impact in Africa. I feel super blessed.

How can our readers follow you on social media?

 I am active on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.
