Can you believe it’s February already? Time is flying past, even when it’s not the best of times. Sometimes, a day can feel so heavy, as though it’s a weight that just doesn’t move. But when we look back, weeks and months can feel like a blink of an eye.

I’ve been thinking a lot recently of what this means for our lives. Fast or slow, good or bad, our lives are passing us by. And each day we get is an opportunity to either live in alignment with ourselves. Or out of it. Each day is a blessing to be true to who we are and came here to be. Or shirk our responsibility.

While all this sounds good, the real challenge I see when I work with women, is that many of us (in fact most of us) don’t know who we are. We’ve been running away from ourselves almost all our lives. Doing what others expect of us. Fitting into all kinds of externally determined molds. Fulfilling our roles as a mother, daughter, employee, boss…

Of course, many of this is important — we cannot just up and leave to live as a hermit, or shirk our responsibilities. But we can start living in far greater alignment with ourselves by asking ourselves questions we’ve never asked before.

What makes my work feel more meaningful?
What brings me joy?
What triggers me? Why?
What change would I love to make in my day?
What change would I love to see in the world?
What am I being called to do?
Who am I being called to become?

When you spend time in silence, more questions will come to you. They’ll be the questions you most need to ask yourself. Your answers are the actions you need to take.

It could mean waking up 15 minutes earlier to write every day. It could mean calling or visiting your mom twice a week. It could mean delegating some of the work that doesn’t light you up to a team member who will enjoy it more.

The more you live in alignment with yourself, the more peace, joy, confidence and meaning you experience. And the less stuck, frustrated, angry or unhappy you feel with your life.

You become more of the person you are. And in being yourself, more often than not, you also find the work you came in the world to do.

Enjoy the discovery!