What is a healthy relationship?

Talking about “healthy” relationships can give the false impression that there are perfect relationships, which is far from reality. Every relationship has its flaws or weaknesses, for the simple reason that people are not perfect. The important thing is not that a couple of relationships has weaknesses or not, what defines one that is healthy is that they are interested in working and attend to their possible weaknesses and difficulties.

In this sense, we can define this as follows: a relationship is healthy if there is an effort on both sides to prevent physical or emotional abuse, disrespect, and abusive, controlling, humiliating behavior.

What makes a relationship lasting?

Connecting with members of the opposite sex is necessary and part of a healthy life, and whether you are looking for something more casual on personals like listcrawler or you want something deeper that may lead Relationships, to marriage, everyone desires to connect and share. Bonding has the power to enrich our lives and add well-being to live. However, the same relationships can cause discomfort, it can even cause a lot of damage. Take a few minutes to learn more about how to protect yourself from building an insane or toxic connection with your mate. So we invite you to ask yourself if you are indeed in a relationship with qualities suitable for both of you.

  • It is important not to have an idealized vision

The first step is to keep in mind that the couple relationship as it was initially started will undergo modifications and that the “unbridled momentum” that was experienced at that time will become something more stable and routine. A richer and deeper bond is going to emerge in its place, and it is important that it also includes passion.

  • Caring for the relationship

It is important to address the disagreements or differences that arise in the day to day of the relationship, if it is not possible immediately, at least not to let too much time go by. Some people believe that relationships build on their own, setting aside difficulties in the hope that they will resolve on their own or no longer bother in the future. The reality is that a good relationship is like anything you want to be successful in, requires work and regular care.

  • Spend time together

There is no substitute for quality time shared by a partner: time together is an essential ingredient. The desire to be together and share time must originate from the fact that a couple is united mainly by how well each makes the other feel. That is, the fact that the couple does not find a way to share time together is not a good sign. If a couple is united by how good they make each other feel, how not to strive to make space and be able to be as long as possible together. It is clear that there are responsibilities, work, difficulties that must be addressed day by day. For this reason, it is not that the more time together the better. It is rather that there are efforts on the part of each to share time, and that these efforts are visible to everyone.

  • Do not expect to change your partner

Obviously, everyone has gestures and gives in to certain things is something that does well to the relationship. The bad thing is when one of the two needs the other to change, to do something so that things can continue well (obviously there are exceptions). Although neither is perfect, so it makes sense to expect changes in each, making the welfare of the relationship depend on these changes is not convenient. In fact, many times this is a consequence of mishandling one’s unresolved personal problems. For example, there is a probability that a young woman who needs her partner to be more affectionate with her, has had in her past or childhood some experience of lack of affection (“I feel that my father did not love me”). As long as you don’t solve these problems from the past, they will interfere with the problems you have in the present in your relationships. And while it may be a good thing for your boyfriend to be more loving, it shouldn’t be a condition of being well. Therefore, not waiting for your partner to change is a characteristic of a healthy relationship.

  • Give a vote of confidence

Without trust, a relationship simply cannot be sustained. And if you can sustain yourself, it is very likely a very troubled relationship. Trust is what allows a person to feel that their partner is going to be there today or tomorrow, in difficult times or in celebration. It is what allows you to feel that you can drop onto your back and he or she will be there to prevent you from getting hurt. It is a unique security experience that is not easy to achieve in this life, and that we generally only experienced in a similar way in childhood (assurance that everything would be fine). For this reason, trust is something to treasure in a relationship. To take care of trust, it is recommended to be clear that every relationship deserves a “vote of trust”. That is, if there are no solid reasons to distrust the other, you have to be careful not to show mistrust (and in the event that my partner mistrusts without reason, it is important to be indignant and demand apologies, that is, not to keep your arms crossed). All this has to do with caring, valuing trust. It is important both to trust my partner if there is no reason to mistrust him and to demand that he be trusted if there is no reason to be mistrusted. Without trust, there can be no healthy partner relationship. If there is no reason to be distrusted. Without trust, there can be no healthy partner relationship. If there is no reason to be distrusted. Without trust, there will never be solid ground for a couple.

  • Being honest is essential

For trust to exist, there needs to be honesty. Lack of honesty can easily break trust in a relationship, quickly leading to a crisis or even a breakup. Once trust is broken it is very difficult to restore it. The happiest couples are the ones who strive to make honesty a goal in their life together. 

  • Respect your partner

Treating your partner with respect necessarily creates an environment that favors not only that you are treated with respect, but also that it increases trust between the two, as well as the desire to be together and share time. Respect is an essential part of love, to the point that we could say that without respect there is no love. Respect has to do with the ability of each to treat your partner as his equal, that is, not to feel or pretend that you are neither above nor below the other. Respect is what it takes for the two people to cultivate their own security and self-esteem appropriately along the way. Respect gives rise to interest and admiration for your partner. It is what allows them to go together hand in hand, and not one behind the other, and undertake the project of getting to know each other together.
