Hanna Shanar

Hanna Shanar is a social media sensation and aspiring author with a passion for spreading health knowledge and positivity across the community. This young scholar, only 22 years old, was published in his medical school’s most recent magazine titled SGA Rounds, which is a campus based media outlet focused on highlighting student experiences and personal narratives to foster a more inclusive and interpersonal environment.

Hanna’s article is titled Three Takeaways from the First Semester, and emphasizes key points that Hanna feels are most important to consider when enduring the rigors of medical school education. One of these points is to make sure that, as a student, you have a reliable support group to fall on when you are feeling overwhelmed, undermotivated, or discouraged. Medical school is tough, and the tsunami of coursework may sweep you away at times, so this support group may prove to be invaluable as your medical education ensues. Second, it is very important to have other intellectual outlets besides science and medicine in order to engage your mind with important topics that may fulfill you on a personal and spiritual level. This is the exact reason why Hanna has spent the last few years of his life contributing to a short, but meaningful manuscript titled A Search For Truth, which focuses on analyzing important scientific, philosophical, and theological principles that surround everyday life.

More information on the book can be found here. Lastly, Hanna suggests that it is also important to do your very best to stay driven, especially when you lack the motivation to effectively study and learn. Staying positive and healthy are some of the best ways to keep your self-esteem high, which noticeably influences self-discipline and effectiveness inside the classroom. These valuable tips and tricks may just help you to persevere and push through the struggle of a medical school journey. For more tips or tricks, Hanna is locatable across all social media platforms, and should not be too hard to find!
