Has 2020 Left You Climbing the Walls at Home?

If those four walls seem to be closing in on you during this inexplicable 2020, and if you’re blessed to be secure financially, so the mighty dollar is not a concern, think about volunteering for some benevolent services online that will not only make you feel well on the inside, but it will also do some good for your community.

Obvious Benevolent Acts

There are myriad practical and benevolent projects you can do from home. You can scavenge through your home and build boxes of clothing and household item donations, which many companies will come and retrieve. This volunteer work reaps dual benefits: giving to others while downsizing and minimizing clutter in your home. The current demand at Goodwill, Salvation Army, homeless shelters, and other humanitarian organizations are inflated during times like this.

Check with your local school districts for online/google classroom tutoring opportunities. Do not rule out private schools. Obviously, you will have to undergo a background check and some loopholes, but is there anything more altruistic than helping our next generation?

Creative Volunteering Opportunities That Aren’t So Obvious

If you’re really climbing the walls and are blessed not to have to stress about income, here are some fascinating ideas for remote volunteer opportunities:

  • Letters Against Isolation is a card or letter-writing organization that connects volunteers who wish to write letters and cards to patients or residents of nursing homes and/or assisted-care living facilities. These folks have been isolated from the outside world during this horrific year. As another option, you can contact the administration at a local nursing home and ask for names to make it more personalized.
  • Should you happen to have a background in finance, insurance, human resources, law, crisis communications, marketing, or other topics that could be useful to business owners right now,, your advice delivered over a technological device could prove invaluable. Check out Micro Mentor for more information.
  • If your patriotic flair needs a boost, you can offer some service to your country in a roundabout way by transcribing digitized documents. By The People is a division of the Library of Congress.
  • The Smithsonian Institute has an ongoing project for virtual volunteers who can transcribe a variety of historical documents.
  • You can apply for crisis line training with The Crisis Text Line, which is open 24/7. After that, you can volunteer up to four hours a week until you’ve reached 400 hours for the year.

Psychological Effects of Volunteering

Possibly the most beneficial benefits of volunteering either remotely or in-person are the positive endorphins you will generate for yourself. Don’t stare at that wall; do something helpful for all.