Take the risk. You have nothing to loose.

It is quite a habit to think that if you really really want to achieve something in your life you need to start from the bottom and only then; step by step climb the ladders of your chosen career path.

Sounds logic, well thought through, safe and very sensible thing to do.

But what if it is not true? What if you try and do the opposite? Think for a moment.  It is so much easier fall from the ladders than to climb it, so why not shoot straight to the top? What could possibly be the worst thing that could happen? Oh yes, there is a possibility that you will not “hold the balance,” or find it very uncomfortable at the top and start going down. But what if you succeed…? It would save you time for the doubts in your mind to rinse through. You questioning yourself repeatedly of “can I really do this?” melts away as background noise. With this approach, you are no longer steered away from your focus.

“It is so much easier fall from the ladders than to climb it, so why not shoot straight to the top?”

The Ella Experience

What could be your focus? 

Top level creativity.

You have crazy creative project that you want to fulfill, start your business or change the job – shoot for the top level! Deliver your idea in the place where you thought you will be in only 10 years. Share it in the way that everybody would think that you are 100% certain of what you are doing (here’s a secret: you ARE certain about it!)

Target the top clientele for your new business, market yourself like a pro, and then send your CV to the leaders of your chosen professional sector. Your dedication and ambition will definitely leave a lasting impression.

Go for that “YES!”

The answer “no” is always assured. If you don’t do anything about your dreams and desires – it is already an automatic  “NO.” You’re already saying NO to your plans and goals before you gave it a shot. However, if only you give it a try and take initiative – there is a possibility that you will end up with a YES.