I want to take the mystery out of stress and anxiety management, so you can offer your children the greatest gift – the gift of resilience. In this blog I will share with you the evidence-based, proven strategies for helping children build resilience. 

Welcome to the “The Resilience Recipe” blog. I’m Dr. Muniya Khanna. I am a clinical psychologist and researcher who has dedicated my life to understanding and treating anxiety and OCD in children and teens.

In the last ten years we have seen the rates of anxiety and depression increase in youth at an alarming rate. Decades of research has given us a lot of information on what works and what doesn’t – it shouldn’t be kept a mystery – you deserve to know everything that the experts know.  I know there are a lot of websites and blogs already out there on “How to worry less” or “Top 10 tips for Anxiety Relief,” Some of them have just out-right wrong information. And though many of them do have useful and science-based content, I’ve found it frustrating that they are often so general. So “byte-sized. “  I imagine these bulleted “tips” don’t feel very fulfilling to someone who is struggling and looking for help. In my blog I dig deeper and tell you what the experts know (so far) about it and what I would suggest based on this knowledge. 

There are simple changes in how your child approaches new, uncomfortable, or challeng­ing situations that can absolutely lessen how stressed or down they feel. If you can share this understanding with your child, you will be giving them an invaluable gift. The gift of awareness and agency over their emotions. In fact, the earlier you share this with them, the easier it will be for them to develop habits that feed confi­dence, allowing them to live empowered. 

I’ll provide answers to the most common questions that kids, parents, and adults have when they are looking for answers on how to reduce anxiety and stress in their lives. Send questions back to me and I’ll create new posts and do my best to give you the answers you are looking for – and if I don’t know it myself, I’ll seek out the experts who do know and relay what I find to you. I’ll also link you to those experts so you can get straight to the source yourself.

Stress, worry and anxiety doesn’t have to be part of their daily life. I’ll share everything I know so you and your child can become experts. My goal is to equip and empower.

It is my hope that we will see strong founda­tions being built in homes across the country, helping our children lead lives full of passion, confidence, and well-being.

The Time is Now

Current lifetime prevalence rate of anxiety in children and adolescents in the U.S. is a whopping 32%. Based on a recent epidemiological study, more than 1 in 20 children in the US have an anxiety disorder or depression. Eight out of ten are reporting excessive “stress” on a daily basis. From 2003 to 2011-2012 the rate of anxiety in children 6-17 years increased from 5.4% to 8.4%.  

After many years of research and academic writing, I have made it my mission to communicate to parents—and all adults working to support children and teens—every­thing I have learned through years of clinical work and research. I want to take the mystery out of stress and anxiety management, so you can offer your children the greatest gift – the gift of resilience. The time is now.

My recommendations are based on decades of clinical research with children and families across the country and around the world. It’s true, there’s much we still don’t know, but we do know a lot about what helps and what does not. We also know that parents are in a great position to learn strategies and create a lifestyle that helps their children develop the skills to navigate stress and new challenges.  

The Ingredients

Resilience is being equipped to approach life with confidence and the ability to respond adaptively in times of adversity. Developing an awareness of and compassion for our emotional and physiological experience, cultivating a mindset of growth and flexibility, and practicing prosocial behaviors and positive ways to problem-solve and approach challenges are the ingredients of resilience.

Developing Awareness and Compassion 

The first and most important ingredient is to help your child understand the connection between their mind, body, feelings and behaviors. Helping them become aware of their own patterns – the way their body responds to different emotions, which thoughts pop up in different situations, and which behaviors have become habits – and to observe them without judgement.  Awareness will give them distance from the situation, enough to be able to think about how they would like to respond.  Compassion about ones emotional and physiological experience takes away the fear and guilt surrounding them, creating enough of an opening to try something different.

Cultivating A Mindset of Growth and Flexibility

The next ingredient is to help them see how their thoughts and behaviors are influencing how they feel and what they are experiencing in their world. Having a mindset that there is no failure, or rejection, just opportunities to grow and learn will equip them to be able to bounce back when they face a tough test, or a betrayal from a friend, or any negative event. Over time they’ll become more automatic in viewing challenges as a problem to be solved and flexible enough to adapt and turn challenges into opportunities to learn and grow. They’ll know that they can choose their focus – what do I have, what can I do? Instead of what they may have lost. 

Adopting a Lifestyle of Approach 

This is perhaps the most crucial, yet most often skipped, ingredient. Doing the thing that has been avoided, or purposefully planning to approach challenges, is a key step in re-wiring our brains, creating new connections, and weakening old ones. Without practicing the “new” or “chosen” behavior, your child’s brain won’t really “learn” anything new. For example, they can change how they’ve been thinking about a situation (“It’s OK if I make a mistake, everyone makes mistakes”) but if they don’t change the behavior that has been maintaining the worry (still not raising their hand in class), they’ll still experience the same “fight-or-flight” response and can fall back into the cycle of worry about failure and humiliation every time they are faced with a similar situation. 

The Ultimate Gift: Security

Our job as parents is simple but not easy. We are to support, guide, appreciate and encourage in ways that will help them thrive. This is the greatest gift one can give to another and something a parent can offer better than anyone else. The gift of security. Not in terms of safety from harm – sadly, we aren’t able to prevent or protect them from all harm – but security in knowing you are there to support them.  The gift of knowing you will always be there to help, comfort, trust, appreciate and understand them unconditionally, exactly as they are. 

The Recipe

In this blog I will explain the key principles for creating long-term resilience and then provide guidance on applying the principles – walking you step-by-step through the FEAR Plan. The FEAR plan is an acronym taught within the Coping Cat treatment program.  The Coping Cat is a treatment program written by Dr. Phil Kendall and colleagues that has been rigorously studied in both children and adults and has been shown to be incredibly effective in helping manage mood and anxiety. Children walk themselves through the F-E-A-R steps, which are based on the key components of CBT, to reduce worry and anxiety and create a plan for approaching rather than avoiding uncertainty. For now, simply know that the FEAR acronym refers to steps kids can take to face fear, adversity and self-doubt.  Each week I will post principles and step-by-steps and do my best to answer any and all of your questions. I sincerely hope you’ll keep reading! Dr. Kendall and I have written “The Resilience Recipe: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Kids in the Age of Anxiety” (which will be released November 1 on Amazon) where you can read more and become an expert in the Resilience Recipe yourself.


  • Dr. Muniya Khanna

    Author, Researcher, Clinical Psychologist

    The OCD & Anxiety Institute

    Dr. Khanna is a clinical psychologist and researcher specializing in the treatment and study of anxiety and OCD. Dr. Khanna has been involved in some of the most important research in the field of child anxiety in the last 15 years. This published research has established what is now the gold-standard treatments children and adolescents used in hospitals, clinics and schools around the world. She is a pioneer in web-based mental health research having spent the last decade working towards improving access to evidence-based mental health services in under-resourced populations by leveraging technology. Dr. Khanna is author of “The Worry Workbook for Kids” with Dr. Deborah Ledley and co-author with Dr. Phil Kendall, of The CAT Project treatment manual for CBT for anxiety in adolescents as well as their upcoming book, “The Resilience Recipe: Raising Fearless Kids in the Age of Anxiety.”