In a world where stress is heightened among healthcare workers, it is necessary to contribute to these persons’ well-being as much as possible. While attending to others’ physical needs, one’s mental environment may become clogged, disoriented, or burdened leading to several adverse outcomes. Sometimes a simple token of appreciation can reorganize a person’s mental atmosphere. Here are some ways of how children can contribute to the well-being of critical societal contributors.

“Kindness is a gift that increases when it’s given away.” – Cory Harow


The very essence of society is built on compassion, giving of time, skills, and energy. Since the beginning of time, drawings are used to communicate, share information from one person to another. It’s the most basic visual language that every human understands. It is also one of the most potent ways a child expresses emotions, even if speech is not fully developed. Drawings display hard work, dedication, and focus, all good qualities that a child may be willing to use to show love and appreciation. To be kind. Adults recognize this and often encourage this noble act among the youngest of children. In the end, getting a curated picture influenced by an innocent and energetic perspective may put a smile on the face of a stressed-out healthcare worker. And that’s always a good thing.

It can be difficult to stop for a moment and receive genuine appreciation, but it is necessary for stress relief, especially if one is busy. When gratitude is given and received, both persons raise serotonin (the feel-good hormone) responsible for setting the mind and body in a relaxed, stress-free, and happy state—a critical mindset for healthcare professionals. While thankyoucards may seem simple, it’s a definite way to show value, express love, and remind persons of the critical impact had on others.

Poems and music bypass the body’s senses and stimulate some of the most profound feelings, invoke memories, or even start entire social movements. The organized words of art express deep vulnerability (honesty and openness) that bringing persons together forming stronger relationships. Music and poetry help spread awareness and messages critical to the individual listener, writer, and society. It’s a timeless gift. A good poem or song will carry on through generations being ever-relevant while spreading its light on what is essential health.

Most humans are sentimental. Holding on to things serve as a reminder of significant moments in one’s life. No matter how precious an instant may be, these moments are often forgotten over time, according to Cory Harow. That’s why a physical link may be needed to replay the memories occasionally. The innocence and genuineness of a child’s creativity not only reminds a person of the child but also helps the person recognize the value held. A gift is often given in exchange for something more valuable, and for the child, it may merely be acceptance or approval. For the recipient, it’s a symbol of how important one may be to are to others that are looking on.            
