Trust is an indispensable ingredient to generate a successful relationship in any field. For this it is important to take care of your values, ethics and principles and not to leave aside any point of the following list, working like this to establish a long-term relationship, based on trust and mutual respect.

And applied to companies: without confidence there are no sales and no sales, no business.


How are trust relationships generated and maintained?

Keep your word and your promises: be aware and consistent with what you say and comply, because our reputation depends on it. If you cannot, talk to each person involved, explain it to them and compare it if necessary.

Keep a constant communication: do it openly and frequently. Direct, accurate and honest communication generates trust.

Eliminates obstacles: facilitating work in complex situations.

Be honest and assertive: do not lie. Prepare to learn to say “no”. Using solid arguments and not opinions, reinforces the respect and trust of others in you, because people value being told the truth.

Be ethical: doing things the right way, even in the moments or in the most complicated decisions, generates respect and confidence in your integrity.

Be transparent and supportive: sharing objectives, strategies, values ​​and agenda allows people to know what you think and helps them to have a vision with more perspective, which will result in greater confidence and security in you and your intentions. Speak with your head and with your heart.


Be open: it offers information, especially if it is a confusing situation, because it will show that you do not intend to retain it or hide it.

Worry about others: appreciate, value and thank the people you deal with. Do not be afraid to do it as many times as you think necessary. Demonstrate sensitivity to their interests, desires and needs. You must also share your actions, tastes, hobbies, because they will make you more human, which facilitates empathy and trust.

Train and train others: Show people that you trust them. Guide them and help them find their way. Do not tell them what to do, better ask for their opinion. Let them “fly” free and follow up and feedback to improve processes. Support your growth

“The best way to find out if you can trust someone is to trust them”

– Ernest Hemingwey quote .

Admit errors and weaknesses: We are human and as such, we make mistakes. There is nothing more natural and dignified than recognizing them and admitting them when they happen, as they will help us improve in the future.


Focus on the positive aspects: Do not punish mistakes. The errors exist to make us improve. Analyze why it has been produced and look for solutions and implement the necessary procedures so that these errors are not repeated.

Manifest your feelings: if you only communicate through data and concrete facts you are transmitting coldness and distance. Manifesting our feelings helps us to empathize more with people, which stimulates trust.

Establishes long-term relationships: Trust needs perseverance and time to evolve and flourish. It’s a long distance race, not a sprint.

In fact, a relationship of trust can take years to strengthen it, but it can be lost in a moment. And once the confidence gained is lost, it is practically impossible to recover it again.

“Learning to trust is one of the most difficult tasks in life”

Evaluation and classification of our person

We are continually evaluating and classifying the rest of the people with whom we interact. In the same way they do it with us. And what do we evaluate? Well in particular these four factors:

What do we do

What do we say

How do you do it and say

Our image

The classification is simpler: either you are trustworthy (in different degrees) or you are not. There are no intermediate points. And as we said before moving from the first to the second in simple, however, moving from the second to the first requires much more dedication.

How can we be classified as trustworthy and maintain this relationship? For this it is necessary that all the information we transmit through the evaluation factors be coherent with each other, that is, what we do, say, how we do it and say it and our image is consistent, logical and coherent. This is important, because if not, we are able to perceive a lack of harmony between the different factors, which would cause a lack of confidence in the other party, because the messages that are receiving are contradictory.

As an example, imagine that a person tells us that he is very kind, however you realize that he does not ask for things please, that he does not say thank you, that he does not practice empathy outside of his closest circle … in short, that that this person says what he does and what he does is really not coherent, therefore that person is lying, which will have a very negative influence on the trust you can place in him. Finally, we recommend that you use all the means and channels at your disposal to generate and strengthen trust relationships. Not only for use (there are people who do not use the Internet, for example), but for the confidence of their own means and channels. There are people for whom television has much more authority than the Internet, but for others it is radio and for others it is a blog. Therefore you must communicate through all channels and possible means: writing, video, audio, telephone, Internet, blogs, websites, videoconference, mailing lists, podcast, radio, television …. This way you can reach many more people (there are people who prefer to watch a video, than read an article and others prefer a podcast or a conversation) than by a single channel or medium, besides that for some of them it will have a lot more relevance for one channel or medium than for another. Also in certain channels, you can also (you must) work the design, the image and you become real, not just a text from a web.