Four Simple Changes You Can Introduce To Your Daily Routine To Increase The Quality Of Your Sleep

Are you tired of feeling tired? Not able to get the required night sleep even though you go to bed on time? Spend the lion’s share of your night tossing and turning on your bed? If your answer to any of these three questions is ‘yes’, then it means that you’re in company.

According to a study, 35% of Americans rate their sleep quality as ‘poor’ or ‘only fair’. Another found out that at least 11% of the US population is sleep deprived.  And with sleep having a massive impact on how we live, perform, and function, its deprivation is one thing we cannot take lightly.

That’s because there are studies out there that draw a direct line between inadequate sleep and an increased risk of diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease. People who spend their nights sleepless also face issues when it comes to their concentration and performance. 

Looking to avoid these (and many others) adverse effects of sleep deprivation? Then check out these four tips and tricks using which I’m able to get an eight-hour sleep every night.

#1: Stop drinking caffeine after sundown

For more years than I can remember, a cup of tea accompanied me to bed. It was my habit to devour a full mug after dinner. However, once I came across research which showed that night-time consumption of caffeine has a direct relationship with insomnia, I forced myself to end my late-night love-affair with tea and ended up enjoying a full eight hours of sleep.

#2: Read a book before sleep time

There are many studies out there that explain that exposure to blue light emitted by tablets, computers, and (of course) phones can suppress the sleep hormone in our body and interfere with our ability to sleep. That’s why at least an hour before sleep time, I park all my gadgets on one of my home’s charging stations for phones and take up a book.

#3: Increase your exposure to bright daytime light

Need more reasons to go out for a jog during your midday office break? Then you might be pleased to know that when we get under direct sunlight, we’re (inadvertently) improving the quality of our sleep as well as its duration. What’s more, a study shows that people who step under bright daytime light more often need up to 83% less time to fall asleep.

#4: Exercise

At the cost of sounding technical, there’s a two-way relationship between exercise and sleep. Research shows that people who exercise enjoy a better quality of sleep. That, in turn, improves their performance during exercising.

What’s more, you don’t have to get a gym subscription to achieve this benefit. All you have to do is to engage in workouts that can increase your heart rate. That means that you can exercise in the comfort of your room, with your phone sitting atop your favorite phone kiosk.