A Google search for leadership yields a mind-blowing 830,000,000 results. Having said that, we can recognize that there is no shortage of leadership literature. Most of the results include news articles, publications, media and academic journals from the likes of Goleman (2000), Kotter (1990) and Bass (1985). 

The collective output of their research has resulted in several leadership theories being formed that include trait and behavioral theory, emotional intelligence, transformational leadership, and servant leadership.

In that regard, I stand on the shoulders of giants and suggest that leadership is the process of motivating and inspiring people to achieve what they thought not possible. Leaders don’t create followers; leaders create leaders. They produce a catalyst for positive change and unleash the human potential for achieving exceptional results in every aspect of life.

These are five things that great leaders don’t do:


Great leaders do not micromanage. They empower their team by creating an environment of trust and candor.

Think of themselves

The greatest satisfaction of being a leader comes from helping other people. Leaders put others before themselves and evolve toward a “we” mindset.

Fear change

Great leaders are comfortable with being uncomfortable. Change is a natural element of life and leaders inspire others to act and build courage in this regard.

Look at the small picture

Bold leaders have a great vision and think big. The world is full of endless possibilities.

Be pessimistic

With every crisis, there is an opportunity. Leaders view the world in a half full glass perception.

Leadership is not reserved for the executive suite. Anyone can be a leader, and they matter now more so than ever due to the uncertainty of the world we live in.


Bass, B.M. (1985) Leadership: Good, Better, Best. Organizational Dynamics. 13(3): pp. 26 – 40.

Goldman, D. (2000) Leadership that Gets Results. Harvard Business Review. 78(2): pp. 78 – 90.

Kotter, J. (1990) What Leaders Really Do. Harvard Business Review. pp. 85 – 96