We’ve all been there, it’s either 5 a.m. or 5 p.m., you’re lying in bed or driving home from a long, exhausting day of work. The last thing you want to do is change clothes, get motivated and go to a crowded gym where you feel intimidated. Not to mention, you’ve been dragging yourself there for the past two weeks and haven’t seen much change when it comes to the scale.

The truth is, your health and fitness routine does not have to be a daunting experience. With a shifted mindset, it can actually be uplifting and empowering. In fact, a healthy lifestyle is more than how you look, it’s really more about how you feel about yourself.

Why do people get discouraged?

One of the frequent ways I see clients getting discouraged is when they try fad diets over and over again, and see little result. People can be hard on themselves and set goals that are unrealistic, instead of smaller goals that are related to just living and eating healthier.

Embracing your health can also seem like a lot of work and time. I can’t tell you how many times I get the ‘I’m just so busy’ excuse. Being successful in a healthy lifestyle is a mind shift from looking for fast results and extreme measures to a more reasonable routine with smaller, attainable goals.

It’s also easy to feel intimidated when you’re working out alone in a gym and feel like everyone is staring at you. It stinks to struggle in front of others and can easily make anyone self-conscious to feel like you can’t keep up with those who are already in in shape.

In a group class setting, you have people in your same situation, which helps. You can pair up with a friend and feel encouraged and supported. Again, it’s about knowing not to set too high of an expectation for yourself when you’re just starting out but shooting for smaller goals. At FIT36, if someone is brand new, we give them modifications to start and make sure they feel comfortable with those exercises so they can succeed right away.

Tips to help you take control and feel empowered:

1. Get support: Having a fitness establishment that offers more one-on-one training and personalized service can take the planning and research out of your fitness routine by creating your workouts for you. It’s also a good idea to get a personal trainer when you are getting started.

2. Eat right: Nutrition help is crucial to keep up energy in your workouts and get maximum results. If your gym has a nutritionist, sign up for some classes, one-on-one sessions, or ask for a referral.

3. Surround yourself with others who have similar goals: We love holding optional fitness challenges at FIT36. If there is a challenge available at your gym, join it to meet and work with others who are also striving to make the same changes.

4. Work out with a friend: This is a big one, having someone else to help you stay accountable helps. Make sure you put fitness into your schedule, it’s an event in your calendar you can’t miss!

No matter how many times you’ve tried and failed to change your lifestyle, lose weight or get fit, it’s never too late. Know that you don’t have to do it alone. Support and encouragement are everywhere, so take advantage of it and get empowered.