Don’t let the guilt rise up and take you on a journey of feeling unproductive or unmotivated. 

What better day to tell yourself that it is okay to rest than the Friday before Labor Day weekend?

It’s not the coffee that will bring back your energy. It isn’t the workout that will get your blood pumping. When you are tired and need to rest, the rejuvenation that comes from stopping and taking time to breathe is what will bring back your energy, your motivation and your focus. 

If you say to yourself, I rested for the 30 minutes I had to spare, but I am still tired. Then, it wasn’t long enough. PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN and disconnect for awhile. When you feel motivated to do more—that’s when you have had enough rest. Sometimes it takes me an entire day of not doing ANYTHING to recuperate. Even when I have good intentions to workout and check off my to-do list, sometimes, I literally can’t do it. I am so exhausted mentally and physically that I need to disconnect. 

“I have kids!” you say. Well—one of the things I have seen a few of my student’s parents do is hire a babysitter to watch the kids, even if they are home doing things. I love this idea! If you just want some time to do you and you really don’t want to leave the house—DON’T! Hire someone to watch the kids for a few hours just as you would if you were going to go out, but explain that you are off limits. Then— take a bath, read a book, run your errands, go shopping, have a coffee or a cocktail with a friend. 

I have always believed—where there is a will there is a way. REST!

By Dayna Mohan
