Evolution requires more of your potential, energy, and will than anything else. Life is a journey full of exciting surprises that many times are disguised as adversities, but in reality, those uncomfortable situations are where we learn the most about ourselves. Pain is nothing but a gateway to evolution, and we can learn a great amount from individuals who have reached their highest potential after overcoming adversity; True Bryant is one of them. 

True, like most people, followed the conventional path that society implies onto us. He attended one of the most prestigious prep schools in the United States, Phillips Exeter Academy. He then went on to pursue his Masters in Theology from Hellenic College at Holy Cross in Brookline, MA. Before that, he attended classes at Harvard, Boston College, Boston Univ. on topics from Buddhism, finding purpose, and so many other spiritual themes. Although he is a highly educated and well-traveled man, he also has faced many challenges throughout his life. 

Society expects a lot from people like True putting a lot of pressure on their daily decision making and overall quality of life without knowing their troubles, acknowledging their fears and recognizing their real talents. Nobody would have guessed, but True is a victim of sexual assault; he suffered circumcision trauma among other challenges which led to depression and two suicidal periods. 

Now, he is one of the most confident yet vulnerable men on earth and he is willing to share his knowledge with other men who have done everything to be successful, but still feel lost and unfulfilled. He had to go through adversity, but through those uncomfortable moments, he learned valuable skills which led him into creating True Life Expression, a private men’s coaching program where he inspires other affluent men to feel their divine power, to accept, say and embrace their secret dreams, to open their hearts to what they’ve been pushing down for way too long, to show the world their true beauty regardless of cultural expectations; to optimize their relationships, their health, and how they make their money. He is also a number one best-selling author and his main goal is to pass his gifts on to other men who are suffering in silence. 

Now that we are about to start a new year, it is the best time to reflect and recognize the things that are keeping us stuck, unhappy, or unfulfilled. What helps you survive will not help you thrive. We all have certain patterns, habits, beliefs, blockages and relationships that have gotten us to the point where we are now, but if you still feel lost and unfulfilled, it is time to realize that you need to upgrade your life. 

If you believe you cannot adopt new habits, beliefs, and lifestyle alone, reach out to someone who already walked the path for you. Someone who genuinely cares and is willing to help you grow. Evolution is never comfortable, but once you reach your highest potential, you look back and realize how every lesson is worth the pain.