Drip Token is seeking to fill the lives of people around the world with an even more important resource its founders claim. 

In this article the founders share with us how to avoid burnout & share some advice to newcomers.

Tips On Avoiding Burnout

“In our experience, we’ve learned that the best way to avoid burnout is to first, make sure you’re working on things that fulfil you and make you feel accomplished- things with meaning and worth beyond financial and superficial means.” 

This is a great start, but they didn’t stop there. They went on to say, “This one might seem super simple and obvious, but it’s one that a lot of people forget to do, or they get caught up in the hustle and bustle of work and just don’t know how to stop… but, we feel that it’s important to take breaks. Take time for yourself, unplug, step away, recharge and refresh, and then when you have a full battery again, get back to work on whatever it is you love to do, and you’ll feel up to the task and avoid that burnout feeling.” 

Making a Difference

Drip Token has partnered with reputable charities such as Water For Good, Generosity.org, and Charity:Water to continue their two-fold approach to making a difference. “These organizations are some of the most effective and transparent organizations in the world when it comes to providing individuals with clean and safe water and sanitation,” Drip Token’s founders claim. “We understand that this is an ambitious goal, but our team remains committed to changing the world for the better as much as we can.” 

Advice To Newcomers

“Whether it’s a fresh start in crypto or some other industry, perseverance is a must. As we mentioned before, working on something that is a noble or worthy cause is one of the greatest ways to avoid burnout and keep up your success habits. Our advice to newcomers is to never lose your vision and passion. Keep plugging away toward the mountains and the valleys won’t slow down your overall progress,” the founders concluded. 


  • Johnny Medina

    Branding Expert-Business Consultant

    Johnny Medina is a young Entrepreneur who interviews successful Entrepreneurs/Business Owners who are willing to share their success tips & have overcome some challenging obstacles.