
The coronavirus pandemic has not only brought us to a situation where healthcare providers, physicians are to struggling to meet the surge in demand but also given rise to a severe outcome like mental depression, anxiety, etc on people’s mental health. In this time of quarantine and social distancing where the shortage of qualified doctors in certain medical fields is common, the telemedicine platform brings a new ray of hope for the healthcare industry and all the needed patients too.

Even though the telemedicine platform was long introduced it was never appreciated until now when this coronavirus pandemic hit with the social distancing norm. In fact, the telemedicine platform is a 21st-century approach to advance triage that allows patients to be efficiently screened. Protecting patients, clinicians, and the community from exposure, the platform is a quick solution in the sorting of patients before they even arrived in the emergency department.

Moreover, for the rising crisis, more than 50 U.S. healthcare practices like Mount Sinai, Kaiser Permanente, Cleveland Clinic, and many others too have already welcomed the telemedicine platform and the number is still rising.

Leveraging the telehealth/telemedicine technology to allow clinicians to see patients within the comfort of home, the telemedicine platform today is not a luxury but necessary in the given situation. Further, it is seen that healthcare practices are even outsourcing similar services to physicians and support staff to ensure complete care given to patients.

Providing rapid access to subspecialists who aren’t immediately available in person, the telemedicine platform today is directly influencing in flattening the curve on the spread of the virus worldwide.

In fact, Dipak Nandi, M.D, a renowned psychiatrist also recommended practicing the telemedicine platform help, as it not only helps in dealing with physical illness but also takes care of mental illness too.