It is obvious that parents raise their kids differently. However, in as much as there are differences, research shows that there are numerous commonalities.

Parenting styles are defined as the varying approaches that parents use to raise their kids. In the 1960s, Diane Baumrind categorized parenting styles into four distinct groups.

These parenting styles tend to affect your child differently, varying from self-esteem to weight.

As a parent, it is important to ensure that your parenting approach supports your child’s development. This is because the way you instill discipline and interact with them will influence them in future.

 In this article, I’ll delve into four parenting styles and the impact they have on your child. According to Baumrind, they include:

  • Authoritative
  • Permissive or Indulgent
  • Authoritarian or Disciplinarian
  • Uninvolved

Authoritative Parenting

Do you love to establish guidelines and rules for your child that you expect them to abide by? If yes, then you might by an authoritative parent. But, contrary to authoritarian parenting, this style is more independent.

As an authoritative parent, you listen more to the questions your child has and respond to them too.  Even though you expect a lot from your child, you’re willing to offer enough support, advice and warmth.

When your child doesn’t meet your expectations, you are more willing to forgive and nurture instead of punishing them.

You set clear and high expectations for your kids. You want them to be cooperative, socially responsible, assertive, and self-regulated.

The Impact

When you apply this form of parenting, your child will become prosperous, capable, and happy.

Authoritarian Parenting

Just like the authoritative parent, you expect your child to abide by your strict rules. However, contrary to authoritative parenting, this style is not independent.

You punish your child if they fail to abide by your rules. You don’t give a reason for the guidelines and rules. When asked for an explanation, you simply say, “Because I’ve told you so.”

You have high demands yet you don’t respond to your child’s needs. You believe that your kid must not make any mistakes but don’t provide clear directions on what they ought to do or avoid.

Do you punish your child harshly and they’re left wondering what they did to warrant the punishment?

Then you might be an authoritarian parent. You are more concerned about status and obedience. You want your child to obey you with no explanation.

You are also dictatorial and domineering.

The Impact

Authoritarian parenting leads to proficient and obedient children. However, your child will have low self-esteem, be socially incompetent, and unhappy.

Uninvolved Parenting

This parenting style was recommended by psychologist John Martin and Eleanor Maccoby. Another name for it is neglectful parenting.

An uninvolved parent communicates minimally, has low responsiveness, and very few demands. Even though you provide for your child’s needs, you are completely disconnected from them.

You provide shelter and food but little or no support in terms of guidelines, structure, and guidance. In severe instances, you might neglect or reject your child’s needs.

The Impact

Parents in this category are ranked lowest compared to the others. Your child is less competent than other children, has low self-esteem and has no self-control.

Permissive Parenting

Another name for permissive parenting is indulgent parenting. Do you demand very little from your child? If yes, then you might be an indulgent parent.

In addition, you hardly discipline your child because you don’t expect much from them in terms of self-control and maturity.

According to Baumrind’s research, indulgent parents are less demanding and more responsive. You are lenient and nontraditional. You don’t expect your child to be mature.

You don’t like confrontations and allow substantial self-regulation. In general, you communicate more and are nurturing.

Your child is a friend to you more than a parent.

The Impact

A child with a permissive parent tends to have low self-regulation and is unhappy. They record poor performance in school and have problems with the authority.


So what’s your opinion regarding the different parenting styles?

The authoritative style is the best because you take time to listen to what your child has to say.

You are more democratic, forgiving and nurturing rather than opting for punishment. As a result your child is happier, successful and more capable.

The way you discipline your child now will hugely impact them in future.