Ashley Smouter

Your path to success is always based on the determination that you have engrained within yourself. Determination aligns your energy and attention towards your focus. Determination is not whether you’re a good or bad person, it’s about what you’re willing to do to achieve your end goal. We all have something that we want. It could be professional, emotional, physical or spiritual in nature. To attain it, some effort is required. if the goal is ambitious, then a lot of effort is required. To achieve lofty goals, we need to have a combination of willpower and determination. Willpower is the motivation to apply free will in our lives.

To achieve what you want requires willpower to the extent of doing things beyond your usual routine. To make your goals successful, you need to know first what you want. Determining what you want to achieve will make you ready even in front of the most extreme difficulties.

Models are very different today from those of past generations from the way they can be discovered to the secondary job that typically comes with a flourishing modelling career. For Ashely, social media has come to play a positive role, which includes displaying her passion for animal rights.

Q: What sets you apart from other models?

A: I’m a chameleon! Fashion is always moving and I move with it. I’ve never been stuck in a single place, or with a narrow thought of who I am. I’m constantly moving and finding new ways to build my brand.

Q: What’s your favorite part about your job?

A: I really love the feeling of doing something “new” every day. Whether it’s a new location, new style , a new team, there’s quite a variety and change in each day. And of course, seeing the world!

Q: How do you feel about social media and the role it plays in modeling? Do you see it as a positive or negative?

A: In the beginning I found it hard to navigate, but I like where we are now with it. I think it gives models the opportunity to showcase more of their personalities, interests and other skills, especially our passions.

Q: How do you use your platform, for your career or otherwise?

A: I Love animals. Social media has given me a platform to speak to animal welfare, and help with different animal and environmental charities.

Q: How do you use social media to spread awareness about this issue?

A: I think a big part of what I do on social media is encourage people to look at animals differently. Whether it’s a squirrel, cow, dog, they are living beings with meaning. They are intelligent, and have the same right to occupy the planet as we do. We should be kind to them. Especially when they seem to show such kindness to us.

Q: Do you have any future goals related to the cause?

A: In the future, I hope to rescue more animals. I feel that’s what I’m meant to do, what would give my life the most meaning.

How can we reach out to you?

You can follow me on below link

Instagram: ashleysmouter