Be Who You Were Born to Be

Knowing that your life is yours, that you are unique, different and important are the first steps in customizing your life accordingly to fit who you are. We each add a little color to the world we live in and one of our main jobs is to do that to our full potential.

If you are a man, be a man. If you are a woman, be a woman. If you are good at sports, take advantage of your skill. This goes for all skills you have, develop them and embrace everything you have been given. Embrace the struggle and the triumph that always comes after the hard times. Embrace and love your way through all of it. The road is always bumpy up ahead, but if you were to look even further, you would see the rainbow after that.

When it comes to customizing yourself, you need to realize what you already have and use it to your advantage. Everyone has specific likes and dislikes, if you are not too sure what those are, try making a list of what you like to do and the dislikes will naturally come to mind. With that perspective of yourself in mind, you are ready to customize yourself.

Fashion is Everything

The phrase, “look good, feel good” rings true for most people if not all of us. There is nothing quite like a new, gorgeous outfit for a night out on the town. Getting a little more dressed up than usual has the same effect on us. Getting ready for the day can add a little more work than you are hoping, but it is always worth it. If you run on a budget and cannot buy a new outfit to help you feel good, plan to set aside money to do so in the future. Planning is everything when it comes to all of this. Feeling good about your appearance may just be doing your hair or buying a new tube of lipstick. You have to find what works for you.

If you are not too good at picking out things to wear or what colors go well together, try going shopping with a friend who knows. If you do not like doing that, chances are, the workers at a retail store can help you, do not be shy, they are there to help. The same rule of thumb goes for men buying a ring to pop the question. Diamond shape is everything when it comes to a ring. Asking the women around you, strangers, loved ones and friends what the deal is with ring styles and what is in right now. Talk to people and ask questions, life is all about learning and asking questions bring about that learning.

Train Your Mind

Train your mind to be content with you and who you are right now. Life is a process and we are all living in that process. There needs to be a balance with who you are and who you want to be. Do not be too hard on yourself, that only leads to some kind of self destruction and no one deserves that, not even you. We all are bound to make mistakes because we are imperfect human beings. Working to customize and train your mind always starts with your thoughts. Tracking your thoughts in a journal can help you realize where there is a need for improvement in your mental cycles. When you notice yourself thinking self degrading thoughts, try to turn them around. If that is not possible, talk to a friend and ask them to help you see who you are to them. Talking the thoughts out help in gaining that positive perspective that will help in holding yourself together.

Everyone is different and we can either make that something challenging or we could come together in unity to help each other. This all starts with you and each of us on an individual scale. Customizing your life in the right way helps bring us together. Being sure of ourselves is powerful and this brings others up. The process is hard sometimes, but it is important.


  • Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our day to day lives. When not writing, Kevin enjoys working out at the gym and hiking in the mountains. Follow his adventures on twitter.