Jennifer Lee once said, “you should be fearless in what sets your soul on fire” and that travelling is the optimum way to do it. But what if in setting your soul on fire, you unwittingly induce burnout related to travel and adventure?

It happens to the most enthusiastic of travellers, and the most passionate of wanderers. Sometimes, you fall into a rut that is unexpected and difficult to recover from, because travelling is one of life’s greatest pleasures. It almost seems impossible that one could develop a severe case of exhaustion from travelling, but it happens. Travel Fatigue is generally defined as mental exhaustion, disorientation, physical discomfort and alienation in a foreign place, ultimately leading the person to have depressive episodes by becoming less functional and shutting the world out.

Prepare for a Calm Return:

One of the biggest mistakes most travellers make is that, when they plan the trip, they forget that they would be putting their normal life on hold. It is essential that you take this matter into consideration and prepare everything down to your work clothes, for when you come back home. Clean your house, implement security measures, and pay your bills before you leave. This would relieve your worries and stress about how much work you have to do to adjust to your ordinary life, while you’re on your adventure. You will have enough obstacles, and worries during your tour, so take the necessary steps to avoid the extra burdens that come with travel fatigue.

Invest in Privacy:

The chance of meeting kindred spirits and potential friends is an advantage to travelling, which passionate nomads and wanderers cherish. However, most travellers who experience fatigue complain that the constant moving, the lack of privacy and personal space forced them to adapt an unhealthy lifestyle because the dorm life took a toll on them. Put yourself first. Take a break from tagging along with a group of strangers, and roam free on your own. You could both indulge yourself and embark on new adventures if you stay at hotels such as Water Garden Sigiriya, where both nature and luxury are highlighted. This way, you don’t have to sacrifice your mental health for travel. Surround yourself with the tranquility of nature and you’ll be feeling as relaxed as ever!

Get Enough Sleep:

Sleep is vital for the wellbeing of all living creatures, because it is the only time of the day where you get to rest and rejuvenate. Most travellers put sleep on the backseat, because they are either on a tight schedule or there is just too much to explore. It’s understandable since the main purpose of you going on an adventure is to add more experience to your soul; to emerge as a changed, a more improved person. However, by doing so, you will find yourself to be more exhausted, easily irritated and at a loss of spirit, which is the exact opposite of your goal. Stick to a proper sleeping schedule while you travel, so that you will be able to get the most out of your journey. Being in a foreign country might not always help with your sleep schedule, so read a book before bed time or treat yourself to a soothing spa treatment.

Engage in Familiar Activities:

Travelling doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to try new things all the time. Most travellers experience a sense of alienation in a foreign land because they feel that they are forced to experiment with local culture. You could try local cuisine, dress in traditional clothes, and go to cultural events, but make sure to not lose touch with the life you have left behind. This will help you keep your sense of identity intact. Since fast food isn’t always healthy, and local dishes could be hard to get used to, you could eat fresh fruits and vegetables. You could also go to the shopping mall or movie theatres in your free time. Also, Facetime your loved ones, so you won’t feel lonely.
