How do we know we need to take a break?

I don’t mean the kinds of breaks we take in everyday life. But rather a longer break that gives us the chance to think and recover from issues that pile up over time. 

Being mindful of your own needs means that you can plan to take some time off for your mental and personal health. And doing so is responsible and can make you even better as a professional and partner when done right. 

Here are the signs that you should watch out for to know if you need a break. 

Physical signs

Physical symptoms of overwork are important indicators that you need a break. Ask yourself if you notice any of these signs appear more in your life: 

  • More headaches than usual
  • General irritability and restlessness
  • Finding it difficult to sleep
  • Struggling to wake up in the morning
  • Lack of energy overall
  • Pain in other areas like your body

It’s important to do a regular health check from qualified healthcare professionals. It’s worth noting that when you experience physical issues, there’s a chance that what you’re doing all day long is creating a growing negative impact. 

Taking some time off to address your body can be life transforming. While taking a break, note if you’re moving less or more. And if being away from a computer is helping you out. 

When your body is under pressure, it’s virtually impossible for the mind to focus on being productive. Pay attention to physical signs to figure out if you need time away to relax. 

Compulsive online behavior

When we’re stressed out beyond normal levels, we develop behaviors that act as a buffer to keep us from being overwhelmed. 

This appears in the form of excessive social media consumption, gaming, or even shopping. It’s interesting to know that 27% of people turn to social media as soon as they wake up. 40% of young people get into debt just to keep up with connections online. 

Ask yourself if you’ve been attached to your social media feed too much lately. Or have you been spending inordinate amounts of time gaming or shopping online. 

Such activities give you a burst of dopamine that feels good in the moment but drains you later. If you feel like you’re compulsively spending time engaging with social media or retail apps online, then it may be time to take a hard break. 

Mental signs

Some people think that only physical signs matter when it comes to personal health. But we consist of a body and mind. Which is why it’s important to pay attention to signs of mental strain. 

The most obvious signs that you need a break include feeling anxious and stressed out. But there are other emotions and thought patterns that are harder to miss. 

If you find the following thoughts at the  top of your mind often, you need to consider taking a break:

  • Constantly feeling discouraged that you’re not achieving your goals, even if you’re on a good trajectory
  • You feel like you’re struggling with everyday tasks
  • You’re bored and find work and normal life tasks unstimulating

You don’t always need a break just to get out of a negative mental state or a stressful situation. At times, you’ll need a break to rediscover your life’s purpose. Or to explore your creativity. Taking a small break or going on a vacation are ideal times to pick up a new hobby, read more, and do personally fulfilling tasks. 


Being aware of signs that you need a break is a critical life skill. Taking breaks can make you more creative and create more energy that you bring to your work. 

With the signs pointed out in this post, you’ll know whether you should take a break. You can plan ahead and create time for yourself in a way that’s empowering, responsible, and beneficial to everyone around you. 
