Learning to live and leave a legacy is so much bigger than most people are taught. It’s the footprint that you leave on this world that causes a ripple effect for generations. Right now, the world is waiting for you to show up — your spouse, kids, parents, business partners, or ideal clients – all waiting with anticipation for you to show up how you were created to. The world is a vert interconnected place, not meant to be lived in isolation, but to be lived in community, each of us bringing our piece to the game. How we show up in our world has a rippling effect that reaches beyond what we can even fathom until after we are gone. However, life doesn’t wait for us to be gone to expose our legacy.

In most cases, people aren’t living out their full potential and are not being remembered for the things that are most important OR are not being remembered for things intended.

Legacy is so much more than your bank account or your possessions. It is more than name on a building, a street, or even charity giving or a worthy cause, albeit great elements to support.

Where Legacy Begins

Do you know where legacy begins? People associate legacy with how one is remembered after death. One day, we all will pass on. Knowing this, we have an awesome opportunity to direct our life in a way that builds legacy. Ask yourself how you want to be remembered in life, today! The beauty of creating a legacy is that we have total control over how we show up. If we do not like how we are showing up or how people perceive what we are passionate about, we have the opportunity to change that! Legacy is about building those key areas of life daily that you want to not just be remembered for, but to be known for.

Creating Your Legacy

The following eight step checklist to creating your personal (or business or family) legacy is essential because the world needs to hear your story and know who you are. Each of us bring value to our world. What are your values? How are you building your legacy?  As you read through this checklist, ask yourself which ones of these am I living in now and which one of these do I need to review, renew, or rejuvenate:

  1. Launch Your Vision: What are you most passionate about that makes you want to get up and do every morning? Is it something that is bigger than you can accomplish on your own?
  2.  Leave Your Mark: Try this. Write a letter to yourself in the future. Then read the letter out loud to yourself for a year.
  3. Level Up Your Resources: Where do you need to grow at? Who do you need in your corner? 
  4. Live In Your Value: What qualifies you to live out your vision?
  5. Leverage Your Tool Box: What makes you unique? How do your skills and knowledge afford you opportunities?
  6. Look Past Your Future: Your legacy, your true legacy will outlive you
  7. Locate Your Integrity: Ask the challenging questions that create growth and alignment in all areas of your life.   
  8. Lead Your Life On Purpose: Your results are a direct response to actions you take. Grab a piece of paper or take out your phone and write down three action items you will take this week that will help you show up and create your legacy.  

Where Do We Go From Here?

Take time and reflect upon the checklist and ask yourself how many of the eight steps are currently engaged with? Start today. Show up today. Show up tomorrow. Remember, tomorrow, your legacy is what you did today. I would love to know what you think about this checklist. How did resonate with how you show up in life? Did any step cause you to pause and evaluate your current actions? What are your three action steps you are taking to live your life on purpose? And what about that letter…. Are you ready to write it?
