
Sincere condolences to all those who have lost their lives to COVID19!

Coronavirus (COVID19) infections have already clocked 6M globally. Thankfully, half of these cases have recovered and are out of danger, for now. While this is good news and worth celebrating, many families across the globe have to deal with the loss of their loved ones.
Sobs, screams, and somber mood linger on the faces of people from all corners of the world. Some are cursing death and regretting the outbreak of this deadly virus, believed to originate from China.
Some states have had to conduct mass burials with only a few relatives allowed to witness from a distance as their loved ones go six feet under. Quite unfortunate? Yes!
North America, Latin America, and Europe are the worst hit by the pandemic but the rest of the world is not spared either. Everyone is scared and taking all the set precautions very seriously.
As people remain indoors as a precaution, families across different parts of the world are traumatized as the pandemic is quickly taking people they love and depend on. Many have not even been allowed to conduct the burial rights as states take over to conduct quick and safe burials. The fact is, this trauma is likely to live with those left behind for a long time unless they get the right guidance on how to cope with the situation. Experts in counseling have a big role and obligation to step forward and offer help.
The Grief
Automatically, human beings suffer a series of emotions after losing close relatives or friends. Just put yourself in the shoes of a person who has lost a partner, child, or parent. Actually, it is still disbelief for many. The profound sadness and grief are just too overwhelming.

grievingGrief has both emotional and physical effects. And it can be a big challenge for many people. Healing starts with understanding what this can do to you and those who depend on you. But again, people need time to go through the process. Experts say that the grieving process varies from one person to another. And it is good to let them do it for some time to heal.
Acceptance Stage
Accepting that someone you love is gone is not easy. It is even more difficult to believe that they have been taken away by an outbreak that came about a few months ago. But it is a fact of life that no one can change. The sooner you accept it, the better for you. Embrace the change positively and gather strength to forge forward.
Death is mysterious but it is a condition affecting the entire humanity. As such, all that you can do is move on. Do not let it eat you up until you now have to deal with depression.
Get Help
SOS! Is this the help that you need? No. But if it is the only help that will deal with the grief of losing your loved ones, call for it. Coronavirus is robbing people of their loved ones at a fast pace. Simple coughs, fever, and other signs quickly escalate to unbearable difficulties in breathing and the need for life support machines. With limited resources in hospitals, some patients die before they can get plugged in. One day you are happy with the family and the next day you are helplessly sick and the next you are gone.
Those left behind need help to deal with such unfortunate situations. It is time for friends to come together and support each other in grief. A Video call to pass a condolence message, an inspirational text message or email, or even the physical presence of friends is all that these people need.

help to COVID19 patientIn some cases, the professional help of a trained counselor is required. First, they help the grieving person to accept the situation and then offer assistance on how to cope. They deal with these cases differently. Professional help works in most cases.
Wrapping Things Up
There is a light at the end of the tunnel. This is what you have to tell yourself. With all the current tests for vaccine or cure, there is hope. COVID19 is going to be a bad past soon. As much as the mark of the damage will live forever, the loss of a loved one is not the end of life – life must move on. It is time to grief, accept, get help, and move on while remembering your departed loved ones in a positive way.