Each of these states ofSecret Death Touches mind has characteristics which separate them from each other. Beta brainwaves are the normal everyday activity you use when talking to others, driving your car, working at your job. It’s the state where you are wide awake. Alpha brainwaves are experienced when you are in a kind of detached, relaxed state of mind.

Anytime you focus in on anything you are in this state of mind. Some people like to call this the ‘zone.’ If you’ve ever experienced time passing quickly like watching an engaging film, you’ve experienced alpha. Theta is often associated with the unconscious, creative mind. You could use this state for inspiration. Although some use it to repress certain emotions, memories and the like, while others use it for deep meditation. Delta is the state of mind that’s associated with spiritual connection. It’s also the place where you go when you sleep and dream. The rest of the body turns off while this state of mind turns on. It’s where your body rejuvenates and heals itself. Intuition resides here, as does deep empathy. Delta allows you to gain access to information outside of your normal conscious awareness. Clinical hypnosis works best at this deep level of consciousness.

Building blocks of success The successful high achiever either knowingly or unknowingly accesses ALL of these brain states to reach his or her goals. They see themselves as successful when they are in their detached awareness sate of alpha. They visualise their success when in theta. They process what they learned, read or experienced into success patterns when they are dreaming in a delta state of mind. And when they are awake, in beta, they do what they need to do in order to be successful. Their confidence comes from a constant feedback loop of getting what they want in life day after day, week after week, year after year. The truth is all of us have access to these other states, but don’t know how to use them. If you’re like most people you tend to stay in beta brainwaves most of the time.
