There is a stigma that women should only be at home, waiting for her husband to come home from work but those days are long gone. Today, women are fighting for equal rights to men and women have proven time and time again that whatever men can do, they can also do.

What Women Went Through to Get to Today

Not until 1988 can a woman start her own business. Before that, a woman who wants to establish business credit needs to have a male relative to co – sign the loan. It could be hard for them and sometimes rely on borrowing money from relatives and close friends rather than getting a loan.

This was just over 30 years ago and we can’t imagine how the world and the business industry would be without women entrepreneurs. Thankfully, in 1988, HR 5050 was made and was voted that women can have their own businesses without a male relative co – signing for business loans.

Success All the Way

Today in the 21st Century, women are gaining more and more respect and have been leading the business world. Small businesses in America employed almost half of the country’s workforce and more than a third of these small businesses are owned by women. 30% of businesses are owned by women and have been succeeding faster compared to businesses owned by men.

Women are very competitive and they are making sure that their hard work and fight can be seen and heard everywhere. After years of having to be in a shadow of a man or needing a man to accomplish something, now women are more independent than ever.

All around the world, women are inspiring others and proving everybody that they can as well be successful. There are a lot of women entrepreneurs reaching goals and succeeding in the business. Imagine the world today if women are still being treated the way they were in the past.

A Long Way to Go

All these success is still fairly new and women still need to exert effort to be heard. There are business centers and groups for women entrepreneurs that will help women understand a little more about the business world. If you want to start your own business, start with going out and mingling with other people and joining these business forums so you can find the best opportunities for women.
