Alright, I understand that a title like ‘journal your dreams into reality’ might feel a little (or a lot) out there. But as someone who has intentionally used journaling for years with some amazing results, I’d like to propose that it’s not just possible, it’s one of the most powerful tools I swear by and use on a daily basis.

If I could only adjust one thing in a client’s life to help them feel more clear and confident on what they really desire, and the steps to take to get it, it would be journaling.

Now, when I talk about journaling I’m not asking you to start writing “dear diary” entries. I’m not even referring to your typical gratitude journal or writing a highlight from each day.

What I’m inviting you to do is to use simple journal prompts to help trigger a subconscious response around what you actually want out of life and then to allow that stream of consciousness out on the page so that you’re crystal clear on what you really desire.

How does Journaling Bring Results

There is so much unbelievable power in journaling. It is one of the most overlooked and underused practices to create the life we desire right now.

I believe that every single one of us has the ability to tap into our own inner guidance system and download the answers to absolutely anything.

The problem is, most of us are terribly out of practice with tuning into our intuition. Like someone who has been sedentary for years and then suddenly decides to become a runner, it’s going to be difficult for the first couple of runs (if not weeks) as your body strengthens the muscles required to be a runner.

If you have continually been looking for answers outside of yourself for some time now and have completely disconnected from your own inner guidance system then it’s going to take a little practice to strengthen your inner trust “muscle” as well. 

But journaling is one of the best practices I know to reconnect to your own innate power.

What is so amazing about journaling is that it can be used as a way to tap into our individual truth, our soul guidance, and even our subconscious. Journaling helps us to identify what our true desires are, which the majority of the population doesn’t actually know, and once we identify what we really desire then we can decide to have it and from there become unstoppable.

Your Imagination is Your Superpower

Our superpower as humans is found in our imagination, our creativity, and our ability to tell stories. This is something I have personally studied in my background in cultural anthropology and archaeology before becoming a master coach. There is so much interesting research around humans as storytellers and how we have used stories to shape our reality and experience throughout history. 

The issue, however, is that in modern society we’re still telling stories, but we don’t realize we’re doing it. This lack of awareness results in us not realizing that the stories we’re telling can empower us or disempower us. Therefore people often end up telling disempowered stories as the narrative or script of their lives without even knowing it!

This is where journaling can be incredibly powerful in breaking patterns of feeling not fulfilled in our lives. Journaling allows us to zoom out our perspective. Instead of being in our own “movie” and feeling like a victim of the circumstances, we can instead shift into being both the director and star of our own life. Can you imagine how powerful this is?

Suddenly, you feel like you have your power back in every situation because you can get crystal clear on what you actually desire, what you’re available for, know who you really are, and be able to take aligned action anytime a situation or experience isn’t matching up to your vision. This is why journaling is so essential during any time in life, but especially now with so many opportunities to evolve our consciousness.

Start By Practicing Being the Version of You Who Has Everything

Ready to try out journaling for yourself but have no idea where to start? There are specific prompts we can use to get clear on what our true, most intimate desires are, steps to take to move us towards them right now, and to even identify anything that’s out of alignment in our lives so we can choose again. 

When I say get clear on your desires, I mean get clear on what you want from life deep down in your soul. Each of us have completely unique desires and these are the divine roadmap to our destiny. I know that might sound a little over the top, but I really believe our desires are what pull us forward to what we’re meant to have, be, and do on this planet.

These can be desires about our life, our business, our bodies, or our most intimate relationships. Once we identify the desire, we can focus on what it would feel like if that area of our lives was already exactly how we want it to be (this is where the imagination piece comes in). By exploring what emotions, feelings, and energies you would be feeling if you already had exactly what you desire, you then become an energetic match for what you want.

Think of it in this way, you are basically practicing being the version of you who already has what you desire. By practicing being this version of yourself regularly, as prompted by your journaling, you will actually start to have the beliefs, say the words and take the actions of that version of you.

And guess what your beliefs, words, and actions create? The reality you live in!

This isn’t just a bunch of woo woo hocus pocus, this is how many high level athletes and CEO’s prime themselves for ongoing continual growth and record setting goal achievement. And now it’s your turn.

Prompts that Lead to Journaling Success

Here are some of the key practices and prompts that I have found to be so powerful when journaling:

1. Get out of your head and into the feelings of what you really desire. 

A lot of people talk about brain dumping, or just writing whatever pops up. However, I find it to be so much more helpful if you write down everything you desire as if it is already done.

– Ask yourself questions in your journal like, “If I had complete permission to create and live the life I really desire, and knew with complete certainty that it would work, what would I now allow myself to want and create?”

– Or if you’re feeling stuck in a situation you can ask yourself, “If I remove my emotions from this situation, what do I know is my next aligned action?” Getting caught up in our emotions can cloud our judgement. By removing our emotions around a situation (if only briefly) we often receive instant clarity around the next steps to take.

And then be open to what comes through. You might just be surprised by how brilliant your inner guidance system really is.

2. Write out the belief systems you’d love to have as a journal prompt.

– For example, if you wish you felt more confident in a situation you could turn this desire into a journal prompt by making it a question like, “If I felt completely confident in this situation, what would I now do?”

– Or one of my belief systems is that everything is always working out for me (even if I can’t currently see the whole picture of how it’s working out for me). So, I could turn that belief into a journal prompt by asking myself, “Since I truly believe everything is always working out for me, what’s the next step I know it’s now time to take?

I use my belief systems to empower me. If your current belief systems aren’t particularly empowering, write prompts for yourself based on the belief systems you wish you did have to start practicing them. Once I become crystal clear on what I desire, even my desired belief systems, I can use it to shift how I feel, think, and act.

3. Write your reality. 

This is one of my absolute favorite practices and it’s so powerful for getting you into the energy, emotions, and feelings of having all that you desire now. How good would that feel?

– Write out your life as if it is already exactly what you want. Once I’ve taken some time and used the previous prompts to get clear on what I really desire, then I write it out as if it is already done and feel all the emotions, feelings, and energies of already having my desires.

– I continue to come back to this practice over and over again. You could start your ‘Writing Your Reality’ practice with a prompt like, “I am so happy and grateful now that…” and fill in what comes out next. It could be, “I am so happy and grateful now that my business is highly successful, that I reach thousands of soulmate clients on a daily basis, and that money comes into my business every single day. I’m so happy and grateful to naturally live in my ideal body with exceptional health, etc.”

It’s less about the words and more about the emotions and feelings of it already being done. The more you practice how good it feels to already have all that you desire, the less available you’ll be for anything less.

Finally, remember that journaling can take any form you feel inspired for it to take. It can be a page, several pages, speaking it out loud to yourself, with a like-minded friend, or even having a great conversation with your own coach.

More than anything it’s about uncovering what you really desire at a subconscious level and then embodying the emotional frequency of your deepest desires. From this space your thoughts, feelings, and actions will be naturally affected and impact your entire experience and reality. Don’t worry about getting it right, just focus on allowing your journaling to be a relationship with yourself and tuning into your highest energetic state. 

For me, I journal pretty much daily because it keeps me in a state of running my business and life exactly how I want to instead of how I think I have to. Journaling keeps me from slipping back into my old patterns and fears, and instead I consistently show up from a space of power, alignment and love.

Journaling is one of the key tools that successful, happy people use to help us focus inward on what we can control instead of fixating on what we can’t. When we need guidance or don’t feel as good as we know we’re capable of, we take our eyes off of the outside world and turn inside. 

It is in this place where we are in complete control of how we feel, how much we earn, what we put out, who we serve, and all of the important pieces of life that create the biggest impact and fulfillment. 

Journaling allows us to get clear on what we want and assures us that we continue to feel exactly the way we want to feel every day and are always on track to our wildest dreams.

Take it one day at a time, allow it to be easy and start to build a relationship with yourself and your inner guidance system again. Through this you will start to trust yourself more deeply.

And don’t forget that rather than waiting for something to happen after you start journaling, instead start watching for evidence that your life is shifting and everything is working out for you the more you use these practices.

Noticing all the evidence on a daily basis that life is happening for you and not to you and that you are in control of your desires and destiny is one of the greatest gifts I can share to help you create real freedom now and for life.

Now it’s up to you! I’d love to hear if there was one practice that you can’t wait to use or a specific breakthrough you had while reading this that really stood out for you. Tell me in the comments below and feel free to share this article to help more people tap into the power of journaling their biggest dreams into reality.

To Living Free!