can burnout lead to anxiety

Burnout – mental and physical exhaustion

“Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress” (Helpguide). In this state, you are often overwhelmed and emotionally drained. You see that the external world is constantly demanding you the impossible. You will also find, down the line, when the burnout is at an advanced stage, the loss of motivation and interest in your current occupation.

Those sound familiar to you?

Burnout and anxiety

Mentally drained, many people become anxious about not being able to fulfill their role, at work or at home. What their boss will say? How their children will feel? Indeed, anxiety is one of the common consequences of burnout.

Burnout can lead to anxiety, as well as other symptoms, such as chronic fatigue, insomnia, lack of concentration and attention, and tiredness…

“Chronic anxiety is common to cases of burnout” (Psychology Today). At an early stage, it can be a feeling of tension, worry, and edginess. You might see yourself in situations where you can’t concentrate. Physically, your heart may pound, and your muscles may feel tight.

“Are people with higher trait anxiety more prone to developing burnout or do burnout feelings compound anxiety symptoms? Furthermore, is there an overlap between burnout and anxiety?” (Frontiers in Psychology). The link between burnout and anxiety is clear. However, science today is still searching for the final answers on their causes and effects.

How to overcome burnout anxiety?

Most importantly, how to overcome anxiety and overcome your burnout state? Below are a few tips to reduce as much as possible the state of anxiety, regain your balance and feel positive and hopeful again.

  1. Focus on some natural remedies to reduce burnout anxiety
  2. Start some guided mediation to relax your mind and your body
  3. Keep distance with noises and agitations
  4. Stay in the current moment and cultivate your gratitude
  5. Maintain your positivity
  6. Save your energy

The link between burnout and anxiety is clear. Science today is still searching for the final answers on their causes and effects. There are many simple ways to deal with burnout and anxiety state, such as natural remedies, meditation, focus on the present moment, and keep a positive mindset. Practice them, regain your balance and feel positive and hopeful again.

Read more:

Burnout and coronavirus – The one thing in common and how to make the best out

What are natural remedies for burnout that help?

How long will my burnout last?


  • Giang Cao Ho My

    M.A., Founder

    Mindfulness Garden

    Like what you read? More from Giang on Mindfulness Garden Giang Cao Ho My is a Yogi, Meditation Practitioner, and Spiritual writer.  Join her Mindful Tribe and practice Mindful living today - Slow down. Feel better for less. Cultivate our presence in anything we do. Fulfilled from the inside and spread love.