The advice that is often given to people that want their business to be their full time income, but struggle to figure out how to mix their business into their lives; could be exactly what’s holding you back.

When we think about being ourselves, what we mean is injecting aspects of your personality and who you are as a person into your business and the way your business is ran.

The issue isn’t with the advice, but with how you interpret the advice and what you cause it to mean for you; which then brings up all kinds of reasons why you can’t do it.

You don’t think you can earn money while being yourself.

This starts off with the business problem of “I can’t just build anything I want and expect people to value it and invest in it.” I definitely agree that it takes work, but when you realise that you can solve a problem people struggle with, how you solve it can be up to you.

But this isn’t about that… there’s a deeper issue here.

While it starts off as honest as not thinking you can be yourself and earn money from it, the deeper question is, what do you feel you have to do in order to earn a full time income from your business? Because everyone is doing what works for them, there’s no guarantee that when you do what works best for someone else, that you’ll achieve the same or similar things to them. 

Learning from people is fine as long as you don’t expect the same results, as the strategy working for them doesn’t mean i will definitely work for you.

But it isn’t even about that. There’s MORE!

It isn’t about the running of the business, it isn’t about copying others and expecting the same results, there is something else going on that runs soo deep that it impacts more than just your business, it can impact the way you live your life.

You look to other people’s methods because you don’t think you’re good enough to achieve what you want, your own way.

I’ll let that sink in for a minute…

You don’t think you’re good enough; so it isn’t a strategy problem, it’s a self-worth problem.

Because If you believed you where good enough, you wouldn’t question the ideas you have for running your business, so look to see how others do it.

If you believed you where good enough, you would probably be full time in your business before now and would trust that you could handle it.

But how can we change this? How can we even begin to think we are good enough to succeed?

This is the question isn’t it… because we’ve believed from a young age, all the way through to present day that we’re not good enough (to greater and lesser degrees) which stops you from “going it alone” and going all in on your business.

I’m going to share with you 3 things that you can do to gradually change this belief so you can start taking more action and move your business forward as a result.

1.. Do what you say you’ll do.

Sounds so simple, but i think you would be surprised how many times you say you’ll do something, and you either don’t, or you’re late delivering on what you said.

This is about TRUSTING and believing in yourself, that starts with the small things; then you can BUILD UP to the larger things. If you’re late for booked appointments, hard to trust yourself with running a business full time.

2.. Look after yourself.

Looking after yourself physically and mentally means that you demonstrate, through your actions, that you value yourself.

There’s physical… Do you keep active? Do you eat healthily? Do you get enough sleep and drink enough water? Do you wear clothes you like? Do you have your hair how you like?

And there’s Mental… Do you meditate? Do you read? listen to music you like? Do you actively remove things that add to your negativity? Do you actively fill your mind with positive thoughts?

These are just some of the things that you can do to help you “feel better;” and when you feel better, you act better.

3.. You believe things through repetition

So in order to believe something different, you have to repeat it. Weekly, daily, twice a day, every spare minute you get; until you actually start to believe it.

I get some resistance with this because they accuse themselves of lying when i suggest it to clients, which in some respects i completely agree with them.

But remember this, if there’s no proof of the idea that you’re not good enough to achieve specifically what you want, then that is as good as lying!

So you’re being held back by something that isn’t even true!

Wouldn’t it be better to be pushed forwards by a lie instead?

You’re more likely to feel good about confirming a positive belief, than confirming a negative belief by not taking action.