Brian C Jensen

The global pandemic, lockdowns, political uncertainty, and social unrest have made teenagers and children experience an unprecedented mental crisis. International authorities reveal data identifying the significance of mental catastrophes among children and their effect on health. Brian C Jensen suggests that parents must identify and comprehend their children’s psychological, emotional, and behavioral issues. The early problem is, diagnosed, the better it is for the child. The worldwide pandemic has brought uncertainties for adults as well as young individuals. Everyone is trying their level best to cope up with the situation. However, children are sensitive to this disturbing news all around. It is affecting them emotionally and mentally. Hence, taking care of their mental and physical wellbeing is the responsibility of their guardians.

How parents can help their kids during COVID-19 as suggested by Brian C Jensen

Parental supervision on the use of devices of their children is beneficial. However, it must be accompanied by active engagement and direct management. You have to discuss with your child the screen time that is desirable for them. Paying attention to their interests and limiting their screen time is crucial. You may seek input while creating these rules. Giving the children a five to ten minutes warning before turning off their devices is vital. When they fail to log off, it is appropriate that you limit their screen time the following day. Children will react poorly or show you their tantrums. However, you must be firm and stick to the limits. It will improve their behavior with time. Reports suggest that when the screen time of children is limited. It takes care of their eyesight and mental health.

Pay attention to perfection

As parents, it is your responsibility to agree with the children regarding screen use. However, you have to take their age and stage of development into deliberation. Setting the limits is vital but in conformity with the children. Children under the age of eighteen months should not use the devices at all. Although it is difficult during these trying times, parents have to try their best to limit the screen time for children within two to five years. For older siblings, prioritizing the items they may on screen is vital. If it is for connecting with peers and schoolwork, you have to give them an appropriate time. In addition to this, social media networks like various applications and platforms desire attention. Giving them time for entertainment is vital because they are sensitive to this pandemic situation.

Self-regulation, socialization, and security

The 3 three S’s, effective self-regulation, healthy socialization, and overall safety, are a solid foundation for developing collaborative solutions. Healthy socialization motivates children and teenagers to get involved in motivating experiences, both online and offline. Parents may help their children in identifying the differences between toxic and beneficial programs. On the other hand, effective self-regulation is about developing and implementing strategies and rituals for encouraging pro-social and positive use of the screen. You have to avoid incremental slides as far as possible.

Lastly, overall safety is not only about physical insurance but emotional and social wellness. It also stresses previous issues and input. It does allow kids the autonomy to make their choices about where and how they will participate. Hence, the three S’s are significant in parenting during COVID-19.

Building balanced boundaries

As parents, it is your responsibility to build boundaries around the screen time of children. However, it is equally important to cut themselves some hours during these challenging times. Strict screen limits may result in more conflict and stress. Hence, parents must be flexible and thereby infer a balance between screen and non-screen activities. Unstructured screen timings are sometimes a source of comfort for the children. You can use it as a reward for promoting the positive behavior of your child. If your child complains that they hardly have anything to do, try working on an activity menu. By incorporating offline ideas and setting a routine, you will be helping your child in every possible manner.

Plan to avoid wastage of time

You have to indulge yourself in conversation with your teenager regarding healthy social media use. Since education courses are being conducted on the digital platform, helping your child with the proper use of smartphones and social media platform is crucial. Discuss what they must do when they experience conflict on the social media platform or digital platform in general. Differentiating between social media’s practical aspect and the humorous element of social media is your responsibility. Using social media for enjoyment purposes is vital; however, occasionally, social media may be problematic. Helping your child through this crisis is your responsibility. Hence, you have to engage with your teenager whenever they face any problem.

Develop a realistic approach

Sometimes following friends on the digital platform is correlated with loneliness and depression. On the other hand, following strangers is related to the opposite. However, children must have sufficient proficiency, that following strangers on these platforms are not safe. Instead of using these platforms for connecting with strangers, they can stay connected with individuals they know. You may interact on these platforms by posting personally and commenting on the posts of people you know. Using these platforms for staying connected is crucial.

Underline quality over quantity

Apart from limiting the screen time of children, parents have to take care of their young ones’ diet and physical work. Experts suggest that proper nutrition and physical exercise play a crucial role in maintaining the physical and mental health of growing individuals. Keeping the family matters away from the young ones is vital. Try to spend quality time with your children and engage them in household chores. Scientific research reveals the interconnection between family background and the development of children. The more conducive family background you can provide your child, the better it is for their physical and mental wellbeing. You have to use the time of kids productively. Do not let your kids waste time. Instead, help them invest their time in a lucrative manner.
